Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Seeking Treatment In Houston Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
quest Treatment In Houston - Essay ExampleThe center is ranked come up 1 in malignant neoplastic disease care by the U.S. News and World report. The center is also the best ranked in the number of grants and research, having invested more than $647 million in 2002 (M.D. Anderson 1). The M.D. Anderson Cancer Center receives as many inbound endurings as outward-bound patients in its cancer center. An independent body dealing with international patients traveling to the M.D. Anderson is necessary to deal with the shorten arising from medical checkup tourism. The hospital needs to set up a center that welcomes international patients, while offering consultancy services from skilled personnel non directly related to the center so as to not compromise advice given to patients. The center should also have interpreters and people whose main duty is to find adaption and to explain the different types of services that can be offered. Challenges of Medical Tourism One of the main challen ges of medical tourism is language barriers. According to Hodges, Turner and Kimball (256) most of the patients who seek medical tourism in the joined States come from less developed countries that do not use English as the main language. This causes line of works in interaction between the patients and medical practitioners. According to a study reported from the Center for Studying health System Change in 2010, almost 50% of American Doctors stated that language differences can be the reason for hampering high quality care (Reschovsky and Boukus 2). Without dealing with these problem, doctors may be unable to correctly make out the problem hence introduce an inappropriate cancer preaching method. Patient may also be unable to claim between the various treatments available as they do not honesty go out the advice given by healthcare practitioners. International patients may also be faced with inadequacy of full disclosure about all the possible treatment techniques from the doctors (Stolley and Watson 46). This may not be due to cattiness but due to lack of understanding of the patient capabilities or want. Doctors may also decide to choose a particular course of treatment for the patient without consulting the patient fully. Patients, oddly those from poor countries, may lack enough knowledge about treatment techniques available thus following the advice they received from doctors in their office countries without fully appreciating the advanced systems of M.D Anderson Cancer Center. An other problem patients from abroad face is difficulty in managing resources especially finances (Stolley and Watson 126). Due to the time taken by cancer treatment courses, patients have to live temporarily in the United States. This means they have to find housing, food, utilities and other needs in a dry land that is foreign to them. Patients also have to contend with medical bills that range from treatment courses to medicine during this time. While the patient may have saved some money for the treatment, it is usually very likely that they undermine other expenses involved in living in a foreign country. A suitable solution for this problem has to be availed so as to ensure that the patient is able to smoothly maneuver during the cancer treatment period. With help in the management of finances, patients may drop
Monday, April 29, 2019
Small Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Small Business Plan - essay ExampleThe tag line or the mission statement of the hotel result be Wish it, dreaming it, Do itWish it means consumers whose desires argon the hotels external pursuit (Yoo, Donthu & Lee, 2000). Dream it mean consumers desires go away be the hotels ultimate goal. Do it means the actions of the hotel will prove everything. The NAIS number of the hotel rail line will be 721111. The close together(p) annual revenue in the first year that the business is expecting to generate is $ 73,000 projecting the hotel to operate successfully. The business plan proposal for the make-up hotel will include feasibility study, financial planning and marketing plans for inauguration this new venture (Brown, 2001).The Dream Paradise Theme hotel will be built on the place lot 2 which is near to the Ontario place. The Ontario place will reopen to public by 2016 and this is the main causality the place is most suitable to choose (Nissim & Penman, 2001). Moreover, another reason for selecting the area is that most of the hotels are dictated in the downtown area. When the consumers look at these hotels, they might face difficulties in decision making (Der Foo, Wong & Ong, 2005). However, this theme hotel will have special theme rooms and a proper location to attack tourism.The hotel will offer its customers various themed rooms to its customers and according to the demand of the customers Dream Paradise theme hotel will throw its rooms. The hotel has decided to categorize its hotel rooms into primary rooms, silver rooms and gold rooms. The primary room will be designed as per the demands of its customer groups (Mason & Stark, 2004). Themes for kids will be like frozen, hello kitty, Disneyland and Legoland, etc. The themes for teenagers are angry birds, Sea world, Cars, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. Themes for adults will be of popular movies, countries and sights, etc and lastly, the
Sunday, April 28, 2019
International business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
International business - Case Study ExampleIn this mode, the statement reporting books are translated so as the proceeding activity will be taken over by the wakeless bodies. The importance of this type of translation is it makes sense to the financial statements and to show the position of the companys betrothal of home currency.It forms the simplest currency characterization that can be understood by the ordinary learners. It pertains the duration of the exposure while taking place and it involves a foreign supersede in the business. It also targets the monetary work on for the profit generation.The management can initiate some strategies to control these exposures. The use of money markets, foreign exchange derivative such as future contracts and forward contracts (Levi 24). The opted strategy is the company carefully selection of production sites with the aim of reducing cost. The businesses that rely on the domestic market vary from because the profit produced by the mut ualist firms is high.The policies that have been implemented by the IMF will not work well with the developing countries having a puppyish economy. The policy states that, Since the debt crisis of 1980s, the IMF has assumed the role of bailing out countries in case of the financial crisis. (caused in a astronomic part by the currency speculation in the global casino economy). With the emergency loan packages tied(p) to certain conditions, often referred to as structure valuation reserve policies (Levi 24). From these policies, IMF was opposed because of some reasons. Among the reason was that from the structured adjustment policies, IMF created an immoral system of modern day colonialism.The collaboration of IMF with World Bank and WTO, it exposed the economy to unlikeness and destruction of the environment. Cutting expenditure on health and educations was their advice to countries so that they can pay their debt. When this is performed, elimination of indispensable food and p utting aside, transportation
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Managment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managment case - Essay ExampleAlso, by developing a unsloped hierarchy where the base theater learnor is the ultimate authority with multiple layers of management reporting directly to this role, legitimatise power through authority is developed effectively. Joined with more visibility among influential players in the billet as well as the action staff, this provides more legitimacy and shows off expertise as a means to gain power and control. Doing this will also develop more name recognition for the plant jitney among all different layers of authority and subordinate work teams as a means to change magnitude power.Even though the plant management team seems to be on-board with all of the changes being discussed in secluded management meetings, they are not accomplishing the goals that have been laid out related to productivity and quality standards. The theater director needs to develop retribution tactics against the plant management team, from Engineering through to Qu ality concur in order to ensure that cutting controls are being developed to meet standards. This can be done either through direct coercion or through intimidation. The plant manager is new in this role and only 33 years of age, therefore there are many opportunities for another(prenominal) seasoned managers to resist change, a common situation in this type of industrial environment. By transforming requests into direct threats, such as I will punish you if you do not meet my expectations, the plant manager sets up a punishment system or can also reward based on meeting productivity and quality targets.Retribution provides quick and immediate results by indicating that there will be consequences if the goals are not achieved, something that must be done at River Woods. However, in relation to the absentee problem, the plant manager can also rely on the close interpersonal relationships between the management team and the production workers
Friday, April 26, 2019
Dilemma in Field Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dilemma in Field unravel - Essay ExampleIf Cash accepts, Jordan should try and collect the required data from the area Cash was charge and try to compare them with the Cashs computed data. If the date comparison seems to be correct, Cash should steal be reported to the head of the department to be fired from the excogitate. Citing article 2b of the Principles of Professional Responsibility that is, given that the project was to have direct public application policy formulation, Cash had neglected his duty to the project as well as to the public. Article 2b states that an anthropologist should non knowingly falsify or color his findings(Cassell & Jacobs, pp. 34). If Cash is not fired because of the similarity on the data unruffled by him and those collected by Jordan, Jordan should develop make for database verification in Cashs region.Two students should be hired who testament interview alone information reported by Cash. These interviews results go out be stored in a separa te file until the closure of the projects field portion. At the analysis time, the data collected by Cash will be compared to that collected by the students in the same region. If there would be a difference in the two data, this will be an indication of falsified data by Cash. The students data will be apply to replace Cashs one and he would be requested to return all the defrayal made to him which he wont reject as there is enough evidence to bear that.Once the situation had developed, Smith had little recourses. The direct argument with the adviser was not the best option. Chances were elevated that he may just laugh at Smith knowing that there was no verification to support that. The adviser is one of the staffs in the university, getting of support for Smith from the department could be tough. This is because this will portray the department as having being involved in plagiarism.
When Good People Do Bad Things At Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
When Good People Do Bad Things At subject area - Essay Exampleor will tell him to do him a favour, and that is to obviously show a level of harshness to the other tellicipants of the training program, the scripts will allow the subject to think it as part of the training in the first place, for the sake of obeying the superior and fulfilling the mission. Scripts therefore hinder an individual to realize what is virtuously upright or not. They could blind a person, because of the usual occurrence of event, making the subject to be astray immersed in it and to the point that it would become more blurry to think the obvious about of what is desirable or not, in terms of ethical criteria. Good people certainly do bad things, and it is clear that they ability be oblivious of it due to the presence of scripts. Scripts are designed to concentrate a persons mindset on his specific goal or assigned job. It is therefore important that once a role is given, the issue of compliance is in gre at issue. Compliance can be remarkably unethical at some point, because the bottom line intention of it is not actually to obey at the deeper sense, besides just to secure ones position or target personal goal. In the pillowcase of the training army, his constant exposure to training brings him a sense of thinking that he just has to coincide with the requirements in order to pass, but that is at the bottom line selfish, considering that he might harm others in the process.2. Distractions are there to everyone in order to prevent certain level of focus. Distractions are everywhere to sorb place in a persons mind that at some point will have to eliminate the level of concentration allowing good people to do bad things, especially at work. Bad things may be in a form of discomfort to other individuals. For instance, an account officer of a certain company was in-charge of the computation of employees salary. A certain employee protested because his salarys computation was wrong. It kindled him such fury and when the account officer heard of it they were
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6
Globalization - Essay Examplen has led to creation of new-made kind networks and activities that progress to increasingly overcome traditional cultural, political, economic and geographic boundaries. This has played a scathing role in the intensification and acceleration of social exchanges and activities hence increasing human consciousness and interdependence. Steger (23) brings the concepts together and defines globalization as a multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch and intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges maculation at the same time fostering in people a growing awareness of deepen connections between the local and the distant.According to Appuradai (1), it only takes the merest acquaintance with the facts of the modern world to note that it is now an synergistic system in a sense which is strikingly new. Hughes (34) states that historians and sociologists, especially those concerned with translocal processes and wit h the world systems associated with capitalism have long been aware that the world has been a congeries of large scale interactions for many centuries. Yet todays world involves interactions of a new order and intensity. According to Hansen (34), cultural transactions between social groups in the past have generally been restricted, some measure by the facts of geography and ecology, and at other times by active resistance to interactions with the other.Appuradai (6) has proposed an elementary framework for exploring various disjunctures applied in globalization. The framework looks at five dimensions of global cultural flow which includes ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financescapes and ideoscapes. The suffix scape points out to the fluid, irregular shapes of the landscapes, shapes which characterize planetary capital as deeply as they do to international clothing styles. The landscapes are therefore the mental synthesis blocks of the imagined worlds of persons and grou psTo start with, ethnoscape refers to the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10
Global Warming - Essay Example wear and urbanization continue to be the main culprit that has destroyed livestock. Peterson (2005)Agriculture demands in have slowly exponentially have to be in compliance with the environmental rules that propagated the ca engagement for deforestation. As a matter of fact, this name is firm to promote an organic approach that would diminish integrated pest management and safe use of insecticide, pesticides, weedicide, and herbicides. As a result, water system resources are scarce because of obvious human development as water pollution and corrosion continue to plague the eco system. Water resources depend on the hydrologic cycle, on climate change, and to most degree on fossil water in the ground. Peterson (2005) The constant depletion of natural resources are building up atmospheric pressure that is impairmental to the environment. As a result, the massive amount of population growth and the associated development in agriculture, which has incite to utilize groundwater resources. It is evident that water scarcity will be an issue. Hence, this poses a weighty problem of seeking other sources for force, which results in burning fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels is a detriment to the environment because it forces climate change. This is a mitigation risk that needs to be embedded.One of the high focal points that has been emphasized over the years as an alternative approach for nada source has been solar zippo in this realm. The utilization of a solar initiative skunk be a very fat solution that can be utilized for powering residential and industrial purposes. One of the many advantages that solar energy offer is substantial reduction in pollution since no waste product is yielded. The production of energy is being derived from use of fossil fuel. Another great facet that solar energy offers is the fact that it can harness electricity in
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
How American Muslims Face Battles in Their Struggle for Acceptance and Essay
How Amerifanny Moslems Face Battles in Their Struggle for Acceptance and the Right to Wear Religious Grab in Public Settings - Essay specimenJust like all different religious communities in America, Muslims also birth a duty to carry out their religious activities and wear their traditional dresses at public sites and other events. Nevertheless, many Americans discover alarmed whenever they come across a Muslim man or woman in his or her customary dressing. Thus, measures ar being taken by the Muslims of America and some political right activists. The first of this problem has been described as the widespread terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists, which has lead most Americans to believe that any man in a shalwar kameez should be a terrorist. In order to tackle this problem, senators have raised their voices to defend the civil rights of Muslim Americans, and have warned that the Muslim association should not be incorrectly judged, by the acts of a few radical ones. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has declared that Muslims living in America should not be discriminated against and should be allowed to practice their right, which has been authorized by the constitution to other Americans. Hijab has been a heated topic in many parts of the world, with countries like France and Turkey attempting to ban it. In America, Muslim women outnumber Muslim men, four to one, as is reported Samuel Cole in his phrase Donning the Hijab. ... Furthermore, according to an article Hijab in America, encouraging legal actions are taking place in the United States. In 2004, a school girl was not allowed to wear a hijab. When the matter was taken to court, the United States arbiter Department supported the girl in her argument. Also tips against discrimination of Hijab, have been issued by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which advises Muslim women what to do when they are criticized for clothing Hijab in public or any workplace. It also assures the Mu slim women that they are allowed to wear Hijab at their workplace under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. With a robust learning program, the Muslim community in America could convince their fellow Americans that hijab is just part of a Muslim woman, through which she can appear distinct from others and moreover it is something that represents religious freedom in America in contrast to other parts of the world, like France, where the government is adamant to ban Hijab regardless the continuous appeals by the Muslim population. It is a fact that Muslim women are discriminated more for wearing the customary dress than Muslim men, in America. Hijab has been an on-going controversial topic in America, with most Americans unable to understand the true reason behind the wearing of the veil. This situation was unpleasant before the 9/11 attacks, and after that it just became worse. After the attacks, President bush repeatedly cautioned the American population to be friendly towards the Muslim p opulation and not to undermine their values. This was a positive approach towards the acceptance of the religious garb worn by American Muslims by the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Memo to Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Memo to Manager - Essay ExampleThe free of inexpensive gifts upon greeting, such as pens, foreign cigarettes, perfume, or shampoo are greatly appreciated by anyone, and can be used to indicate a desire for friendship.A major difference betwixt Vietnamese and our Western culture is the meaning of eye contact. When you are introduced to a person who is your elder, of an elevated status, or the opposite sex, care should be made to non make eye contact. This is a sign of respect, and does not indicate a lack of trust as we perceive it. Also, putting your hands in your pockets or on your hips while talking is a sign of arrogance and shows disrespect.The Vietnamese prefer to follow a very rigid protocol when conducting a business meeting. A meeting give begin with the be guest making introductory remarks. These include formal thanks for hosting the meeting, objectives for the meeting, and an introduction of the participants. The Vietnamese host will follow with some formal remarks aft er which the substance of the meeting can begin.I plan to celebrate these rules of etiquette fore roughly in my mind on my visit. I will take some small gifts that would be appropriate for either a man or a woman for our initial greeting. As the most senior member of our staff, I will introduce the others during our first meeting and allow the Vietnamese to do the same.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Babies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Babies - explore Paper ExampleSan Francisco is located in Northern California, and is considered a cultural hub. It is located at the fish of Pacific Cost, and has a hilly terrain that is beautiful to watch. The city is also a major attraction for holidaymaker from all over the world. The state of the city is about 7.5 million people and is the most densely populate cities of United States (United States Census Bureau, 2012). San Francisco is a multi cultural society with many ethnicities, among which Whites, Asians, and Chinese are noteworthy. The master(prenominal) ghostly group of the region is of Catholic Christians but other religions are also practiced. Apartments are the main symbol of housing in the city.The babe mortality rate is low in San Francisco and average life presentiment is high. This is because of the better health care facilities available in the city. The literacy level of the city is also good compared to the heartsease of the cities of the country. A gricultural products are the main exports of California (California Department of Food and Agriculture, 2007). The city is also famous for its monetary activities and research in different areas like biotechnology. The exiguity rate of the city is lower than the average poverty rate of United States.Opuwo is a small city which is a located in Namibia. The city has a dry and mountainous terrain. The city is mainly inhabited by the Himba Tribe which is an ethnic group of the region. The main God of the Himba Tribe is Mukuru, although other Gods are also worshipped by the Himba Tribe (Crandall, 2000). The population of the Opuwo city is not very significant and is not more than a few thousand residents. Exact population is difficult to account for because of the lack of census in the region. The people of Opuwo live in small houses and huts.The infant mortality rate is high much like other African countries and average life prediction is low. This is because of the lack of medical and health care facilities. The literacy level is
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19
Personal argument - Essay ExampleMy resolve to pursue a trend in Business and Management course has been strengthened by the various part time crafts that I meet been adapted to secure. I for voice worked in a supermarket known as planet as a manager where I was able to put my leadership skills into practice. These have helped me gain an insight into the working of business, and sparked a passion in me to espouse up with more than efficient models of management to ensure the best possible results. Getting a full stop in Business Management will therefore equip me with the skills that I require to develop more efficient management systems and develop better ways of doing business. I rely that is very important to stir up a quality education before one can seek to engage in each professional venture. The value of education has been instilled in me from a tender age, and this leads me to pursue educational excellence at all levels possible.I am particularly interested in lea rning how to come up with combat-ready teams that have the potential to work together to come up with ways to diagnose the business and cheek needs, analyzing the changing business environment and the development of the procedures to handle the operation processes of the business. I believe that I have the potential to perform these roles. The educational program will however help me to realize my potential in this area. To be successful in the program, I intend to get a part time job that will give me an opportunity to practically apply the concepts that I have been taught and interact with the different concepts in business.As I person, my eccentric person is influenced by an unending desire to improve myself, and a quest for knowledge. My character has also been formed by the need and desire to pursue new ideas through insightful think and a practical application of the theoretical knowledge that I have been able to gain. I believe that this combination of attributes will be an important asset in helping me settle and blend in the
Critically discuss the use of standard deviation as a risk indicator Essay - 1
Critically discuss the rehearse of specimen deviation as a risk indicator for investment purposes - Essay ExampleA greater standard deviation implies a greater volatility. More the volatility, more the risk. Generally, lavishly risk is associated with high returns and high losses. Therefore, a fund with higher average returns and lower volatility is the most preferred option. However, much(prenominal) an ideal situation rarely materializes and the investors have to strike a balance between returns and risk out-of-pocket to volatility. normal deviation acts as a useful tool in achieving this balance.Standard deviation is not a failsafe method for risk measurement. Standard deviation has an inherent limitation that it is based on compendium of historic data. That is why it is also known as historical volatility. The allocation of assets in a strain or fund in the past may be entirely different from the situation today. Therefore, past performance would not be a suitable indica tor of future performance. In this case several(prenominal) external factors would have to be considered and standard deviation may fail to give desired results.Standard deviation does not give information about the current debt structure of the company. It does not take into peak the recent changes. For example, a certain company may have an average debt of 30% of the total dandy structure over the past 20 courses but suddenly over the past year the company has taken a large amount of debt which has take it to 60%. This would have an impact on the financial condition of the company and stockholders are bound to suffer. However, a standard deviation would still aim a decent amount of volatility in accordance with previous debt structure. This leads us to the interpretation that standard deviation alone should never be used as a risk indicator.Many analysts trust that standard deviation is a measure of volatility and not of risk. This has to do with the fact that risk nub diffe rent things for different people. For some investors, risk implies losing all of their investment, for others a negative return
Friday, April 19, 2019
Spirituality and the Creative Spirit, (Portfolio#1) Essay
Spirituality and the Creative Spirit, (Portfolio1) - shew ExampleAs it is also observed that in the text it is stated, His (Davis) mother took him regularly to catholic perform hoping that somehow provide comfort instead it filled him with fear, I found the whole thing tremendous (17). Daviss terror is explicable as the fear of punishment and the manner in which the church portrays God. so far it is apparent that he is a spiritualist the basis being that he has strived to find meaning of career and was ultimately able to discover solace in nature and his catharsis was writing poetry. It is highly distressed upon that church and the Christian theology or any other religion does not governs spirituality reason being that spirituality is not simply confined to the search of God. Although for some plenty spiritualism is the geographic expedition of ones relation with God and enormousness of religion. Yet it is not true for the majority of the people because in the twenty first century a large number of people do not believe in God anymore as it is stated about Davis, on many make he still believes that the Gods have fled (17) it is more about self contemplation than about God. Nevertheless the importance of religion burn downnot be denied because in a large number of cases it acts as a catalyst for initiating or introducing an individual to spirituality. Since the Church plays an integral role in the exhibition of a large number of paintings regarding mysticism and also because religion has the power of instigating or putting an individual in a contemplative mood. So it is the process of questioning that leads a man to explore the mysteries of life and reason with the logic and principles of his existence.Spirituality can also be elucidated as a form of expression in which an individual gets a take place to express ones every feeling of anger, love, hatred and admiration. Hence any form of artifice i.e. music, poetry, painting and dancing are all mod es of expressing ones interpretation of life as strong ones
Thursday, April 18, 2019
How a new company deal with orgnizational behavior in a new country Essay
How a new company deal with orgnizational manner in a new landed estate - Essay Examplenced by, or learnt from their superiors since an enabling schemeal behavior can be achieved if leaders tack a good example to employees, and practice ethical behavior towards everyone in the system of rules. Leaders need to be emphatic, and be make doate on how such as decision shall affect the total morale and attitudes of the organization as a whole (Bonin, 2012). In addition, the notion of leaders giving instructions or devising ethical judgments, while they themselves do not apply it would create a negative impression on employees hence affect organizational behavior.Secondly, the author relates the influence of changing technology on organizational behavior, and organization as a whole. He argues that changes in technology create a competitive advantage for the organization, and if handled swell up it enables the organization to increase its bottom line. Moreover, when these changes are introduced to the organization they usually lead to the production of higher flavor products and services. With this change in technology, employees escape performance may be affected as they have to conform to these changes. Changes in technology may affect the employees wager performance negatively in turn, increase work related stress among them. This stress levels affect them physically and mentally and if not handled well shall affect the work performance of employees, reduce job satisfaction and in the long run the overall organizational end product (Bonin, 2012). The article provides a solution in handling this work related stress in the body of work that may be caused by technological change. It states that in order to create better organizational behavior among employees, organizations need to provide training to employees on the changes in technology to enable them adapt well. There is as well as need to provide information on literature on stress, and if possible provide counseling to employees to patron reduce stress.In the case of a new company in a new country, it should consider
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
HIV AIDS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN 40-70 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HIV AIDS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN 40-70 - sample Exampley is intentional to illustrate statistics on this often-underlooked population demographic to determine whether the 40-70 female maintains eminent prevalence of HIV and AIDS. It further looks to identify whether any social programs exist which impact this particular multitude and discusses the potential toll HIV and AIDS send word take on their lives.AIDS is cited as the three largest cause of death in African American women between the senesces of 35 and 44, with the disease being the twenty-five percent leading cause of death in the 45-54 year old African American female throng (CDC, 2008). Combined, this is a significant cause for alarm. In the pursuit of identifying appropriate research for older African American women ages 55 and beyond, no statistical diagrams or charts which highlighted studies could be located.The aforementioned clearly illustrates that more research into the 40-70 African American population s hould be identified. For instance, contemporary research studies tend to show a pattern of behaviors which, when charted, can be predicted which give insight into what drives the behaviors socially. Once you have painted a construct of how people move in these different, segregated social groups, it makes the process of identifying methods to assist these women more difficult as it provides no personality, socio-cultural guidebook by which to relate to the struggling women. As 64 percent of all people in the unify States who have HIV and AIDS are African Americans, understanding how infection rates occur and the overall sexual practices of the 40-70 group could provide the necessary tools to break down social barriers in terms of sermon options.Sadly, however, it does not appear that there are adequate social programs in place to assist women of this age group who might be battling with HIV and/or AIDS. However, there are several which are designed to offer clinical research in formation and a sense of community. One of which is the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF)
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Student Assessment Essay Example for Free
Student Assessment EssayA current policy issue that is plaguing our educational system is the emphasis put on scholarly person quantifyments. Teachers argon at odds in their classrooms on whether to teach the necessities that students depart need to be productive in our society, to simply teach what will be tested on state and federally mandated sound judgements, or both. Teachers be forced to find a balance within their bids due to the time restraints that stand in their centering.When teachers argon able to find this balance and present all the concepts that ar included in sagaciousness, incontrovertible all other concepts, the results from the sound judgements can be very beneficial to their classrooms. Assessment results prolong important implications for instruction. The direct aim of sound judgment is to foster learning of worth art object academic content for all students (Wolf, Bixby, Glenn, Gardner, 1991). School communities habit assessment results in a formative way to determine how well they are meeting instructional goals and how to alter program and instruction so that goals can be better met.But if what schools assess and how schools assess do non converge what is taught and how it is taught, then the results are meaningless, if not potentially defileful. Theres also potential for harm when decisions affecting students futures are being made establish on results of assessments made with tools that are not enamour for the purpose. Some schools are attempting to change assessment to match the content and format of instruction, and are therefore relying more upon alternative assessment. resource assessments include finishance-based assessment, portfolios, student-designed assessments, etc., and are considered by many educators to be more meditative of new curricular goals and methods of instruction. Some educators view alternative assessment as a better way to determine how well students are learning traditional forms of assessment like multiple choice tests. Alternative forms of assessment might best take to heart some of these purposes while more traditional forms could still serve others. Regardless of the purpose, however, the form of assessment used must reflect a teachers instructional goals and must be of high technical quality.(White Fredericksen, 1994) Alternative forms of assessment require knowledge and skills that nigh teachers befuddle not had the opportunity to learn, which in fact poses another issue with these types of classroom assessments. Without the knowledge and skills, teachers will be doing their students a disservice by conducting faulty assessments. Providing teachers with the time that is essential for learning is necessary to making changes in assessment practices. Teachers need time to produce and implement the assessments.Teachers also need time to work with wiz another to share ideas and reach consensus because integrating instruction and assessment requires co ordination. Alternative assessment will not be effective if it is added to the list of responsibilities for teachers. (North Central Regional pedagogicsal Laboratory, 1991) When assessment results are used to capture important decisions, there is a danger that instruction will narrowly focus on what is assessed while other important curricular goals and content are neglected (Romberg, Zarinnia, Williams, 1989). All assessments include exclusively a sample of the total content contained within a curriculum.Critics of multiple-choice tests, for example, suggest that the skills usually assessed by multiple-choice testing become the focus of instruction at the expense of more substantial content. Alternative assessment presents a solution to this situation by ensuring that the content of the assessment matches the most important content in the curriculum. However, regardless of how much the content of an assessment is improved, when teachers narrowly focus on what is tested, the ass essment results will only reveal the students learning of the test content, not whether they could perform a related tax in a different environment.For example, if instruction is focused on a skill that is a test requirement, the results of the test will reflect only the students performance in a testing environment, not his/her general ability to perform that skill in everyday telescopes. This limitation is primarily a concern in large-scale districts or state testing situations where important decisions are based on a limited sample of student performances. The most important factors in determining the technical quality of assessments are the assessments reliability, validity, and fairness.If the quality of an assessment is not ensured, sort out practices, and coverage and pacing decisions may be based on invalid estimates of students capabilities. Sometimes grouping decisions can reflect or reinforce racial and socioeconomic inequities, or the decisions might be based on prior achievement that was artificially low due to past limited opportunities to learn. If all students have not had an equal opportunity to learn, then grouping and pacing decisions based on test results are unfair. (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 1991)Good assessment requires minimizing factors that could lead to misinterpretation of results. The criteria for meeting this requirement are reliability, validity, and fairness. Reliability is defined as an reference of the consistency of scores across evaluators or over time. An assessment is considered reliable when the same results occur regardless of when the assessment occurs or who does the scoring. There should be compelling leaven to show that results are unvarying across raters and across scoring occasions.(Elliott, 1994) Validity is defined as an indication of how well an assessment actually measures what it is supposed to measure. Three aspects of an assessment that must be evaluated for validity are tasks, e xtraneous disturbance, and consequences. Every assessment requires students to complete some task or activity. A valid task should reflect actual knowledge or performance, engage and motivate students to perform to the best of their ability, be consistent with current educational theory and practice, be reviewed by experts to judge content quality and authenticity.Extraneous interference occurs when there is something in the assessment that might get in the way of students being able to set up what they know and can do. A valid assessment does not require knowledge or skills that are irrelevant to what is actually being assessed. Some examples of these might include students ability to read, write, role-play, or understand the context, personality, visible limitations, or knowledge of irrelevant background information. Valid assessments also minimize unintended negative consequences. ostracize effects of assessments might include restricting curricula to what can be easily assesse d, communicating unintended messages more or less power, control, or social status, and fostering narrow images of the nature of a particular discipline. (Elliott, 1994) Fairness means that an assessment should allow for students of both genders and all backgrounds to do equally well. All students should have equal opportunity to march the skills and knowledge being assessed. The fairness of the assessment is jeopardized if bias exists either in the task or in the rater. (Elliott, 1994) In this atmosphere of reform, student assessment is the centerpiece of many educational improvement efforts. Policymakers hope that changes in assessment will cause teachers and schools to do things differently. Assessment reform is viewed as a means of setting more appropriate targets for students, focusing staff development efforts for teachers, encouraging curriculum reform, and improving instruction and instructional materials.(Fuchs, 1994) Many educators and policymakers believe that what gets assessed is what gets taught and that the format of assessment influences the format of instruction. Contrary to our understanding of how students learn, many assessments test facts and skills in isolation, seldom requiring students to apply what they know and can do in real-life situations. Standardized tests do not match the emerging content standards, and over-reliance on this type of assessment often leads to instruction that stresses basic knowledge and skills. quite than encouraging changes in instruction toward the engaged learning that will prepare students for the 21st century, these tests encourage instruction of less important skills and passive learning. (Fuchs, 1994) Since the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only national deputy and continuing assessment of what Americas students know and can do in various subject areas, it seemed to be the most obvious choice for exploration. In exploration of this policy, research will be conducted to find out how emotive it is within our country.The terms of this policy requires that assessments be conducted periodically in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, and U. S. history. Because of the issues of assessment, NAEPs assessment will be probed to find if they are reliable, valid, and fair being that it serves as a type models for all other assessment practices. Under the current structure, the Commissioner of Education Statistics, who heads the National Center for Education Statistics in the U. S. Department of Education, is responsible by law for carrying out the NAEP project.The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), appointed by the Secretary of Education but independent of the Department, sets policy for NAEP and is responsible for developing the framework and test specifications that serve as the innovation for the assessments. The National Assessment Governing Board develops the frameworks that provide the theoretical basis fo r the assessment and specific military commission for what kinds of knowledge and skills should be assessed, how the exercises should be designed, and how student responses should be scored.These frameworks are the result of comprehensive efforts in which teachers, curriculum experts, policymakers, and members of the general public worked to create a unified vision of how a particular subject ought to be assessed. This vision is based on current educational research on achievement and its measurement, and good educational practices. (National Center for Education Statistics) References Berk, R. A. (1993). National Trends in Student and Teacher Assessment Issues in Performance Assessment. Retrieved January 17, 2008 from http//nesonline. com/PDFs/1993_05Berk. pdf Elliott, S. N. (1994).Creating pregnant performance assessments Fundamental concepts. Reston, VA The Council for Exceptional Children. Fuchs, L. S. (1994). Connecting performance assessment to instruction. Reston, VA The Co uncil for Exceptional Children. National Center for Education Statistics. neap tide Overview. Retrieved on January 20, 2008 from http//www. nces. ed. gov/nationsreportcard/about/ North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, PBS Elementary/Secondary Service, in partnership with the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (UCLA/CRESST) (1991). Schools That Work The Research Advantage. originate IV Alternatives for Measuring Performance. Oak Brook, IL Authors. Romberg, T. , Zarinnia, A. Williams, S. (1989). The Influence of Mandated Testing on Mathematics Instruction say Eight Teachers Perceptions. In Romberg, T. Wilson, L. (1992, September), Alignment of Tests with the Standards, Arithmetic Teacher, 40 (1), 18-22. White, B. Y. Fredericksen, J. R. (1994, Fall). Using Assessment to Foster a schoolroom Research Community. Educator, 19-24. Wolf, D. , Bixby, J. , Glenn, J. , III, Gardner, H. (1991). To use their minds well Investigating new forms of student assessment. Review of Research in Education, 17, 31-74.
Monday, April 15, 2019
The Power of Possessions Essay Example for Free
The powerfulness of Possessions EssayPossessions hold on to the memories from the past reflecting the emotion a person holds on to. Holding onto possessions allows commonwealth to reminisce the memories from their past whether uplifting or heartbreaking, these possessions hold onto the stories we do not want to forget. In the song Mrs. Calderas House of Things, Mrs. Caldera keeps hold of so some(prenominal) items of her past including pencil tips, plastic singbirds, tineless forks, milk bottles and many more.Mrs. Caldera loves thinking about her childhood and having all of the items helps remind her of all her childhood memories. It is obvious that all these items supply cracking joy and happiness to her especially at the end of the poem when Mrs. Caldera is baking cookies and the author says, She is carolming a song from childhood,/ Her arms are heavy and strong / They have held babies, a husband, (7.25-27). In those lines, it is shown that Mrs. Caldera is quick with t he life she lives and thinking about her past gives her great joy. In the excerpt from Memoria ex Machina the author feels great emotions from a silver Seiko watch and a 1973 Datsun 1200, both items which belonged to his father. Thinking back on the memories from his dads items brings him great fear.It is evident that he is fearful of these items especially the watch when he says, a pleasant hum long since obliterated by hordes of digital beeps. In those lines, the author says how the watch was soothing to him with its pleasant hums scarce right away it is terrifying to see it. Both the watch and the car which he has such fond memories of, now fill him with fear and despair as if he wishes he could take back the things he did. In both the poem and the excerpt it is shown that the possessions a person holds on to contains the memories from the past. They remind people of important memories in their life no matter how happy or depressing they are. With possessions, people can always recommend the memories they want.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Essay Example for Free
EssayThe objective of this paper is to comp are the major players in the beverage sufficient/soft drink sedulousness, Pepsi Co. coca plant grass Co. This paper will give you sound information on which company to invest in as well as taking a deeper look at both companies over all. My analysis will be made based on the companys income statements, horizontal, vertical analysis, balances sheets and financial statement ratios. This along with some other information should give you a clear generate of which company is the best company to invest in. Researching this analysis is needed find the soundest corporation for investment. Out of the incalculable of sodas, coca cola and PepsiCo. are the most recognized name and the most known rivalry in the soft drink industry. Coca-Cola owns the somewhat disputed title as being the best cola grease worldwide. Some on the other hand know PepsiCo as the rival brand because Coca Cola has had such great trade and advertising. In 2004, PepsiCo achieved marginally growth rate in net bring in and sales, where Coca Cola has maintained profit margin. The PepsiCo. presented lower short- bourne liquidity risk to investors compared to Coca Cola. Coca Cola and PepsiCo. There was low long-term solvency risk with PepsiCos risk being marginally great than Coca Colas. PepsiCos overall asset in my opinion was more proficient than Coca Cola. These and other companies help investor confidence and market share with their sales margins. PepsiCo stock is dividend-generating stock, but Coca Cola has had a higher(prenominal) yield and payout. Coca Cola has had asuperior profit margin and dividends are lucrative to investors in this industry but PepsiCos diversification, low short-term liquidity risk, low long- term solvency risk, make it a proficient asset application for PepsiCo stock look equal a part investment.The competition between these two soda giants is strong. Having said that, on that point is still a point where set is not the issue but taste. Some people swear by the taste in this leal brand market. These two corporations have concentrated on cultivating brand management through applicable advertising, marketing campaigns. correspond to Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Coca-Cola remains the best globally recognized brand across all industries for ages, while PepsiCos brand ranked number 26 in year 2008. PepsiCo has been able differentiate itself from competitors by tapping into other markets like chips and healthy alternative foods. While PepsiCo is known for their soda, their expansion is clear in showing there is a need for other things being non-soda. The time for vitality comes with diversification because there are accepted signs of a shift in consumption. The decrease in soda consumption raises PepsiCo. has positi stard it to continue to remain lucrative for its shareholders. The income statement of PepsiCos COS to sales percentage roughly rose from 43.31% in year 2004. Coca-Colas five-year average COS to sales percentage was only 35.26%, much lower than PepsiCo. Coca Cola was able to achieve a higher gross profit margin with lower COS to sales percentage. PepsiCo is the effect of its tougher pricing structure. PepsiCo arguably has the most diverse set of distribution systems of any consumer product company, including direct terminal deli very (DSD) at Frito-Lay and our bottling partners, warehouse delivery for Quaker products, and warehouse delivery and chilled DSD at Tropicana. The reach and casing of these systems provide considerable cost efficiency and system effectiveness in driving value. Our systems deliver product freshness and quality for the consumer generate cash flow for our retail customers, and pro- vide economic value for PepsiCo. Our products respond very well to merchandising, and need to be replenished often because they sell so quickly. By having our DSD associates deliver products and stock the shelves themselves, we proceed retailers money b y doing this labor for them, and help make sure our products are fresh, available and displayed to our advantage.http//www.pepsico.com/Download/2004-Annual-English.pdfAccording to the Business Insider, Coca Cola has 42% of the market share while Pepsi Co. has 31%. The annual revenue for two companies is $35.2 billion and $57.8 billion respectively. Coca Cola spending roughly $2 billion on advertising while their rival spend around $1.1 billion. http//www.businessinsider.com/coca-cola-vs-pepsi-timeline-2013-1?op=1 PepsiCo is the largest food-and-beverage company in the United States, and the second-largest in the world, after Nestl. If PepsiCo were a country, the size of its economysixty billion dollars in revenues in 2010would put it sixty-sixth in gross national product, between Ecuador and Croatia. Many studies point to the ubiquity of high-calorie, low-cost processed foods and drinks as one of the major drivers of this condition. Snacks, in particular, play a role in childhood o besity, which is growing even prompt than obesity in adults. Americans consume about fifty gallons of soda a year, more than four clock the average per-capita consumption sixty years ago. Americans also ingest about thirty-four hundred milligrams of sodium per day, twice the recommended amount sodium has long been linked to high blood pressure. almost half of PepsiCos business is overseas (thirty per cent of it in developing countries), foreign markets eventually tend to follow U.S. trends. The markets of the succeeding(a) may well be in packaged nutritionin enriched products like PepsiCos SoBe Lifewater, which contains vitamins, and in its pricey Naked line of fruit juices and smoothies, which contain antioxidants. Another growing category is functional foods and beverages, like varieties of the sports drink Gatorade, which PepsiCo markets for specific physiological or metabolic attributes. (Thanks to Gatorades new fit series, you can drink G1 Prime before you work out, G2 Perfo rm during your workout, and G3 Recover when youre cooling down. http//www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/16/110516fa_fact_seabrook?currentPage=2The above quote taken from the New Yorker shows that diversity in such a highly hawkish beverage market, diversity is needed. Coke depends on the consumption of their product. That is still their main source of revenue for the company. It could be said that maybe PepsiCo is too diverse. I would sayI see this as an example of ensuring a proper return to the investor and keeping the integrity of the company. PepsiCo displayed advanced long-term affluence risk due to its higher debt to law ratio of 1.24 and higher long-term debt to equity ratio of 0.68 on average, compared to Coca-Colas 0.90 and 0.29. The soda industry is wide and there are always new players but PepsiCo has managed its debt obligations more so than Coca-Cola by the beak of times interest earned ratio. PepsiCo had a better average return on common equity of 33.92% than Coca -Colas 30.29%, whereas both companies had similar return on assets with Coca-Colas 16.54% average only being slightly better. PepsiCo and Coca Cola are the leaders in the caramel color soda market. There earning disregardless of the company you select show the investor that their staying power is evident.ReferencesBooksBrigham, E, F, Erhhardth, M, C (2005). Financial Management Theory and Practice. Eleventh Edition. due south Western Publishers Thomas, A, (2002). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Fourth Edition. McGraw Hill. WebsitesKulawik, A (2009), The development of Coca Cola Advertising Campaigns, retrieved on November 29th, 2010 from, http//images.nexto.pl/upload/publisher/All%20Free%20Media/public/the_development_of_coca-cola_advertising_campaigns_(1886-2007)_demo.pdfAndrew (2002), A brief Pepsi History retrieved on November 29th 2010 from,Day, J (2008), Theme Analyzing Financial Statements, retrieved on 30th November 2010 fromGattis ,C,G.(2009).Using Financial Ratios h ttp//bluepointstrategies.com/uploads/White_Paper_-_Using_Financial_Ratios.pdf 30th November 2010
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Li and Fung Limited Essay Example for Free
Li and Fung Limited EssayAns1- Li Fung Limited is a orbiculate trading group. A company would like to use the supply chain management services of Li Fung because it manages the supply chain for high volume, time sensitive consumer goods, delivering the right location. It focuses on providing a one- stop storehouse service through a network of 69 sourcing offices in 40 countries. Company would prefer Li Fung rather than organising in-house department or appointing a senior manager to handle these activities because it provides services range from harvest-home design , development, through raw material and factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance and on to export documentation and shipping consolidation. Moreover company use Li Fung because it could be an effort to as well as reduce costs.Ans2- Li Fung expand its global sourcing network through acquisitions since it has found developing networks from the commonwealth up tends to take a long time and to be relatively expensive. Li Fung acquired companies like Inchcape acquire Services in 1995, Swire Maclaine Ltd , Camberley Enterprises Ltd and Colby Group Holdings Ltd. These all are well established companies. Li Fung company is in favour of acquisitions because it doubled the size of company and expanded the companys customer base in Europe and modify its position in the U.S. These acquisitions increased the size of Li Fungs sourcing network from 48 offices in 32 countries in 1999 to 68 offices in 40 countries in 2001.Ans3- Internet opens the door to new levels of connectedness to customers. productive firms on the Web have used cyberspace to achieve their objectives. Li Fung use the Internet to enamor additional business like footling to medium- size -businesses that is characterized by small order size and shorter language requirements. But they cannot afford large sum of money in inventory. Internet provides solution to these kind of problems. It could go away Li Fung to consolidate small orders for mass production by existing supplier network. Li Fung supply these smaller businesses to have their own private label.The choices available online would allow a product to have the small businesss own distinctive label attached with choices available online and would choices of embroidery colors and packaging. Li Fung should use look for engine optimization for increase the awareness of its website. In order to make the additional businesses profitable Li Fung could use their website www.studiodirect.com in many ways. The studio direct will combine its expertise in sourcing and marketing of apparel with supply chain efficiency. It will derive from its web- based trading. Studio Direct has outsourced every flavour of delivery from pick and pack, shipping and customer clearance.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Frederick C Hamilton Essay Example for Free
Frederick C Hamilton EssayThe architectural sculptured layout of the Fredrick C Hamilton mental synthesis is on display at Denver Art Museum. The actual building, named subsequentlyward the CEO of the Petroleum company is near completion. Frederick C Hamilton post modern style designed building is a dome, shell shaped architect, comparable to the Sydney Opera House. (http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Architecture) The outside Hamilton building structure is designed apply patterns from the expressionism art era. The post modern design is very simplistic, without many intricate details. Anyone viewing the attractive building would be curiously drawn to the building. The Frederick C Hamilton building serves as the main entrance to popular acculturation and art areas. It is the only dome shaped building in the area, surrounded by buildings with pattern designs from the metempsychosis and Romantic art eras. Once inside the building, the person feels transported in totally different planet. The glass ceilings, and skylights allows the sunlight to shine through, into the building.The creative designed structures portrays a very pleasant atmosphere to everyone entering it. (http//www. designbuild-network. com/projects/dam/) The decorator of this coned, alien shaped 350,000 sq ft building is Daniel Libeskined, whom also designed the World Trade Center after the attack. The Frederick C Hamilton building will hold nearly one thousand parking spaces. The construction materials apply for the building are titanium, steel, and concrete. The creativity behind the amazing designs centering around romantic style buildings requires significant genius imagination.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Engineering codes of ethics, case scenarios, and societies that enforce them Essay Example for Free
Engineering tags of ethical motive, case scenarios, and societies that enforce them EssayEthics drive out be defined as a branch within the wider playing atomic weigh 18a of philosophy whose main concern is addressing the air of morality. Morality as a concept seeks to justify activitys as good or bad, right or wrong and whether much(prenominal) actions atomic number 18 justified and virtuous. Ethics in itself is divided into many categories which normally vary to suit the issue at hand. From a public perspective, moral philosophy can be widely grouped into theoretical and hardheaded morality. The theoretical aspect is concerned with theoretical meanings of moral propositions and the manner in which their truth values can be ascertained. The practical aspect of ethics seeks to address the possibility of achieving moral outcomes in a wedded situation (Luegenbiehl, 2003). Engineering ethics in this context is part of applied ethics that is skewed towards the interr ogative sentence and the prospect of standards concerning the duty of an target to the general public, how they should attend to their lymph glands, their duty to their employer, and their obligation towards enhancing and maintaining the moral integrity of the plan profession. Engineering as a profession is actually diverse in endpoints of the possible branches champion can venture into.This diversity make few of the engineer fields sh ar merely very limited principles. While most of these disciplines tend to complement each other, these engineers are bound to work in distinct environments. As such there cannot be a unifying code of ethics for the unscathed engine room fraternity. Ethical codes in this profession are largely dependent on the exact field of specialization and the legal power of practice. Another circumstanceor that comes into play is whether an engineer is providing consultancy service to his clients or the engineer is an employee of a given manufacturi ng enterprise (Colby Sullivan, 2008).In most countries, the engineers who attend to their clients are normally referred to as original engineers and are usually licensed. They abide by codes that ensure pro ethics and to a larger extent g everyplacened by a number of statutes. Their counterparts who practice in the manufacturing industry prolong to abide by certain laws, discern among them being whistle blowing and in addition the law of product liability. Their practice leans more towards business ethics as compared to engineering ethics.Professional engineers are usually in private practice and are always responsible for(p) for drafting some of the codes of ethics that govern their profession. Engineers who practice in the industrial sector do not enjoy accreditation by the relevant government agencies. It is an arguable fact that despite the field and sector of practice, these engineers bet similar ethical issues. Similar in the sense that they share the same root causes but only change slightly in form depending on the discipline and the sector of practice (Luegenbiehl, 2003).Engineering societies substantiate for a long time drafted their own codes of ethics. These codes of ethics stick undergone a series of refinement over time in a bid to make them more viable to overcoming ethical issues. Such codes of ethics usually act as general guidelines since ethical issues are very diverse and as such some of these codes have to be adjusted to suit the situation at hand. In the United Kingdom, a notable example is the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), which chose to incorporate its ethical codes into the standards of conduct.The code of ethics in engineering basically seeks to ensure the wellbeing of the public, the clients in the case of a professional engineer, the employer for the engineers who practice in the industry, and for the sweetening of the moral integrity of the engineering profession (Colby Sullivan, 2008). Any engineering professio n is susceptible to a number of risks some of which may be detrimental to a wider section of the population. With this risk in mind, the first hold of an engineer is to ensure the safety and health, not only of the general public but also for themselves and their workmates.Engineers are required to subscribe to principles that ensure sustainable development in the course of their undertakings. Since the engineering profession is very diverse, an engineer who may be very competent in his field of specialization may not be able to achieve much in another line of engineering. For most of the engineering societies more or less the world, there are basic ethical codes that they seem to share in common. A code of ethics in the field of engineering always restricts engineers to stick to their areas of specialization. This is to avoid exposing himself and the general public to the imminent danger.An engineer is required to speak the truth on the technical aspects of a job and maintain a p rofessional relationship with the employer or his client. Conflict of interest is a sure way to compromise and as such should always be avoided by an engineer. An engineer is supposed to safeguard the integrity and the interest of the engineering profession. In as much as an engineer is supposed to advance career wise, they have an obligation of ensuring professional growth for their juniors. According to the law of whistle blowing, an engineer is more obliged to safety than he is to the client or to his employer.This law requires the engineer to report cases where their employers or clients fail to follow their directions and in the process are exposing the public to potential danger. In some instances, some the relevant authorities fail to take action and this may end up in the engineer going public (Luegenbiehl, 2003). The most notable cases of hazard in the field of engineering have been caused by both technical and ethical issues. While some of these accidents have been due to technical aspects and chassis inadequacies, others have been due to inefficient management culture.Some of the cases that have been established to have an ethical dimension on their occurrence include the Chernobyl disaster, Bhopal disaster, Boston molasses accident, Johnstown Flood, just to reference work but a few (Pfatteicher, 2001). Chernobyl disaster was an incident that took place in Ukraine, and it involved the meltdown in a nuclear reactor plant. This accident was to a larger extent blamed on man error. The personnel were blamed for using a limited operational reactivity margin. The disaster caused to the people life sentence within the neighbourhood was immense in gravity and most of the effects were of a long term nature.The mental health of the people was extremely affected cases of cancer were later reported to be rearing in the area. All these effects came about due to the irradiation of the area by radioactive material. The workers were also affected with more t han thirty losing their lives within a span of three months from the time of occurrence of the disaster. An consultive group that was later formed to look into the cause of this disaster blamed the people who were responsible for the design of the power plant.They failed to consider certain pertinent aspects of the design which could have prevented such an occurrence or which could have ensured that the accident did not proceed to reach the level it did. It was realized that in the course of preparation and incidental testing of turbine generators, it was done without the incorporation of systems that were responsible for technical protection. This was viewed to have been a breach of the safety victuals that were required for the actual technical exercise (Pfatteicher, 2001).Some of the most outstanding organizations that are concerned with engineering ethics include the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the United Kingdom, the Canadian Society for Professional Engineers, and the discipline Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) which have been seen to be championing for the upholding of ethical practices within the engineering field. The reasons for their establishments are to ensure that engineers in private practice, the government and in the manufacturing sector are able to subscribe to a common code of ethics within a given jurisdiction.Such bodies have certain punitive measures to their members in cases where ethics appear to have been sidelined in making decisions. To ensure that engineers adhere to such codes set by these organizations, it is authorisation to be registered with certain bodies within given jurisdictions to practice as an engineer (Haws, 2001). There has been a general drift towards formulating an all encompassing code of ethics for all engineers throughout the world. This has been noted by the fact that the codes formulated by most societies throughout the world appear to be having certain similarities.While this appears to b e a very noble idea, some room and allowances will have to be allowed to accommodate the different cultures in the world. It is deemed that developing a set of common ethical codes and supplementing it with additional entries that regard the cultural setting and the exact field of specialization within engineering. The codes should be set out in such a manner that no confusion can be reported within a given jurisdiction (Luegenbiehl, 2003). References Colby, A. , Sullivan, W. M. 2008, Ethics Teaching in Undergraduate Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 97. Haws, D. R. 2001, Ethics Instruction in Engineering Education a (Mini) Meta-analysis. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90. Luegenbiehl, H. C. 2003, Themes for an International Code of Engineering Ethics. Retrieved on 9th February 2010, from http//www. asee. org/conferences/ world(prenominal)/papers/upload/Themes-for-Int-l-Code-of-Eng-Ethics. pdf . Pfatteicher, S. K. , 2001, Teaching Vs. Preaching Ec2000 and the Engineering Ethics Dilemma. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Discuss what Lady Macbeth’s persuasive language in 1.7 reveals to the audience about her character Essay Example for Free
controvert what dame Macbeths ingratiatory language in 1.7 reveals to the audience intimately her character Essay address what Lady Macbeths persuasive language in 1.7 reveals to the audience about her character relationship with her keep upIn Shakespeares Macbeth, he portrays Lady Macbeth as a strong female character whom is embody to Macbeth and sometimes even stronger than Macbeth which was unusual for the time as at the time, men were considered to be above women as they believed in the elysian order of the universe which stated that men came before woman and that women should only be there to serve men and obey their husband and their father and non question their husbands decision. In Scene 1.7, Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeths language and sexual parts to persuade her husband into sidesplitting Duncan so that she can become Queen. She even goes as far as question Macbeths manhood. iodin of the quotes which supports my point is ,We fail? But screw your courage to t he sticking-place, and well not fail. which Lady Macbeth said to Macbeth after he questioned him and not obeying him. She used a rhetorical question which is seen in the above quote to scould him as would a small fry which is going against all of the things that a wife should be at that time and she is talking to him analogous a child when she tells him to get his courage up and reassures him that they will not fail which is all influenced by the rhetorical question. She also questions his manhood in the quote,When durst do it, then you were a man, by scolding him and apothegm that he is not a man now as he didnt dare to do it and this has made him to a greater extent feminine which is a great insult to give someone in Shakespearian times, which proves my point that Lady Macbeth does not indigence to give up and she f ft ff people into doing some(prenominal) she wants him to do.I believe that this quote is one of the strongest quotes which proves my possibleness point. Anothe r quote which I believe proves my opening point is,What beast wast then, that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do i t, then you were a man. This states that Lady Macbeth is hurt as Macbeth broke a promise to her. She uses repetition in the quote and she repeats the contrive you which you could infer as making an accusation against Macbeth or you could infer that she is honestly hurt by Macbeth as she expresses hurt by her use of language in this quote. In this quote she also uses a rhetorical question which you could infer that she is so hurt and angry, she does not want him to answer the question and she ends with a truly strong insult which a loving wife would never make to her husband, especially in the Shakespearean times.She further evaluates the importance of a promise to her in the quote, know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, plot of ground it was smiling at my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the bra ins out, had I curse as you have done this. This quote proves that Lady Macbeth would do anything if it would uphold her promise even if it would blotto killing her own child to uphold a promise. This quote also shows how truly hurt Lady Macbeth is and how angry and how fearful she is and her dertermination to get what she wants. This is quite masculine of her but I will cover more on that after this.A quote which shows how devious and courageous Lady Macbeth is, Who dares receive it other , as we shall make our griefs and clamour roar upon his death? This quote proves that Lady Macbeth is doing whatever she can to get what she wants. She uses persuasive language such as dares which is a very strong word as it involves taking a risk and a risk which could ultimately stab you in the back. This quote also shows Lady Macbeth putt on a false face and pretending to grief and mourn for the Kings prejudice however in actual fact, it was her which set up the King to be killed. This shows that Lady Macbeth will be decisive and manipulate whoever she wants to get what she desires. A quote which I have mentioned before but I want to go more into tip is, know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling at my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I sworn as you have done this.I strongly believe that this is the quote which really well establishes Lady Macbeth is a brutal and a character which will do anything to get what she most desires and not to care about anything or anyone else, just to get on top. This quote portrays Lady Macbeth as a mother which is a role which you need to care only about the botch and nurture the baby and bring it up as your own. This quote mentions that Lady Macbeth knows what it is desire to breastfeed a baby but the play has not mentioned anything about Lady Macbeth and a baby, but I will get to that in further detail in my conclusion. This quote also mentions h er killing the baby in the most brutal way when it is its most vulnerable. During a breastfeeding.This shows that Lady Macbeth will do anything to keep a promise and you could infer that because of her im likely detailed description, that she has done this before. One more quote which I believe solidifies my first point is, And alive(p) a coward in thine own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would like the poor cat ith adage? This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is angry and full of epinephrine which really provokes her use of language in this quote by calling her husband a coward for financing out of his commitment and letting him live in the shame of not doing his deed which also interrupts the divine order and being a good wife in the Shakespearean times. She defies all this when she does not pick up to her husband and takes on the role of the husband in the relationship in this quote and in this hearty moving-picture show.In conclusion, I believe that Lady Macbeth is fu ll of anger, grief and betrayal as she confronts Macbeth in this scene by saying that he is not a man and by calling him a coward and inform or reminding him of what she would do if she promised him. She would even go as far as killing her own child if that is what she has promised which means that she has built up a lot of trust in this relationship and she does not want to lose it now. By saying she knows how it feels to love a baby who she has breastfeed could imply that she and Macbeth had a baby and it died or it got murdered.If it got murdered or it got killed because of a promise she made, which she has proven is the most important thing to her, probably fuels her anger and hurt in this scene which makes this scene make so much sense that it is my closing implied conclusion. The reason that I have inferred is that Lady Macbeth is so passionate and angry in this scene is because she had a baby and it died because of a promise she made which is why she made such an important and a meaning(a) reference to this is because this happened to her and she does not want it to happen again.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Morality in war Essay Example for Free
Morality in war EssayIs war ever honourable? I feel that War is a necessary part of life. Sometimes force is the yet charge to conserve yourself or others. We are all equals, and It is culpable to take the life of anyone, but it is also im example to let the life of anyone be taken. We have a responsibility to help each other because cooperation is the solitary(prenominal) way the human race can survive we also have a right to defend ourselves. This reckons that if someone else is threatening you or anothers life, and you are capable of helping, you have an obligation to cheer yourself or them. Lethal force will never be moral, but what if its the only way to protect someone? Lets say that an assailant has broken into your house and is holding a submarine sandwich to you and your family. You also have a gun pointed at the assailant. In this hypothetical situation we must seize on that the only way to save your family is to kill the attacker. You must make a choice to k ill the attacker or let the attacker kill you and your family. Both options are immoral, so one has to ask if its more(prenominal) immoral to kill the attacker, or to let the attacker kill your family?The obvious choice to me is to kill the assailant. I feel this is the right choice because of two reasons. One, our responsibility to protect ourselves and our family is larger than the responsibility to not do harm to another. The second reason has to do with the proportion of damage. The attacker would be doing more harm in killing my family and me then I would be doing in killing him. This example abandons us to see, on a small scale, when lethal force is necessary. Things get more complicated when we look at entire countries kind of than just one family, but my view point remains the same.Lethal force is only permitted when it is the only option to defend yourself or others. War is necessary because people sometimes make immoral decisions that assign others in a position where there is no other option, but is war ever moral? Killing is always immoral, and killing is part of war, so parts of war are immoral, but does this mean war is inherently immoral? Sometimes it is the least immoral choice this makes it the most moral choice, so it is sometime moral. I believe that many of the wars we have had have been immoral.I dont recover that the United States has been justified in its actions every time. It is alarming that host intervention in sexual conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Vladimir Putin. I feel that it is in part imputable to the classical male approach to ethics which directiones on independence, autonomy, intellect, will, wariness, hierarchy, domination, culture, transcendence, product, asceticism, war, and death, Jaggar, Feminist Ethics, 1992 One can see that these characteristics would allow for war to be more often morally acceptable.A feminist approach to ethics would focus more on interdependence , community, connection, sharing, emotion, body, trust, absence of hierarchy, nature, immanence, process, joy, peace, and life. Jaggar, Feminist Ethics, 1992 These characteristics allow for a more peaceful world. The Syrian regime was accused of using chemical weapons against its own people in september of 2013. The weapon of quite a little destruction Sarin may have been used, and this action is against internationalisticist law.The United states felt obligated to graduation in and punish the Syrian Government for this because they felt it was in the worlds better(p) interest to not let these atrocities go unpunished. It could be more dangerous to let them get away with it because international law could drop dead apart and the world could turn to anarchy if nothing is done to punish wrong behavior. This being said, what is the best course of action to punish the Syrian governance if they did infact use this weapon? Military action was debated, and chairperson Obama was wi lling to attack if necessary, but I feel this is very dangerous.If the United States were to attack the Syrian government without UN approval It could have the same effect as doing nothing. This is because the united states would also be breaking international law, and this could also cause the UN to fall apart. If strong countries like the US bypass UN approval on military actions then International law means nothing. The world reacts by asking if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security.Thus a growing snatch of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. -Vladimir Putin. In addition, military action would not be morally acceptable in this situation because it would not be in self defense it would be an act of aggression causing more harm than good. A diplomatic approach would be a step in the right direction for this particular situation. This realistic li fe situation allows us to see how we can judge the morality of an action on a larger scale.In conclusion, war can be moral, but it is only a strategy to benefit peace and safety for a group. All other options should be explored before war can be considered this is because war involves some of the most immoral actions possible the killing of others. Never think that war, no emergence how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. - Ernest Hemingway http//www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/e/ernesthemi108407. htmlzB7XwPTRbCpbv7my. 99 http//www. nytimes. com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria. html? _r=0.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Poverty and Lifeboat Ethics Essay Example for Free
Poverty and Lifeboat ethical motive EssayA famous Chinese proverb goes Give a man a look for and he will work through for a day teach him how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his days. Although this wise advice was given thousands of years ago, nowadays looks like no powerful or abstruse government on Earth understands that sentence.Garrent Hardin, author of Lifeboat Ethics The Case Against Helping the Poor show us an honest perspective on how the rich countries in the world, by codating food and money, instead of support misfortunate countries get out of their misery, cause more hunger and strife. In addition, he tells us that overpopulation in distressing countries should be controlled soon, or the current situation will turn ugly very fast.Although Hardins secern is almost indisputable, his position is not. I understand why the author believes that helping poor people is a bad idea but he isnt looking at many others sides of the situation. At the beginning, my answer was the opposite. I was totally convinced by Hardins theory. I desperately sought a stead within a lifeboat But after discussing the essay in class, and hearing myself repeat Hardins spoken language that express his indifference about poor people, and also rethinking his thesis in which poor people dont have a chance for a better life, I changed my position. I cant support those ideas because in my own point of view, they are false. It is just not true. Some countries and some societies already made a change. Some countries like South Korea, Singapore and China have broken the leanness cycle. We shouldnt be so negative and we must remember that even the poorest people on the artificial satellite have imagination, ideas, beliefs and an imperative necessity to change their own universe.However, I think that the answer is within Hardins thesis too. Poor people dont need food and clothes only in cases of emergency. Instead, they need a few rich governments interested in giv ing them tools and ways to improve their economies, to find their ideas and to use their creative minds. Without that little help all life in this planet will disappear. So, helping the poor is also a way of helping everyone else, even rich people. And here Hardins thoughts are necessary Without a true world government, controlled reproduction and the use of available resources, the sharing ethic of the spaceship is impossible. (Lifeboat Ethics The Case Against Helping the Poor. Pg. 310.) If the poorest destroy their natural resources, the consequences will be for everyone, regardless of how much each possesses.In conclusion, I think Hardin is correct when he asks about the future on Earth, if we take statistics and canvas their results for the year 2050. However, his position against helping poor people and trying to eliminate them from the face of the Earth is wrong. I believe in a true world, where rich countries use their development technology and their healthy, well-nourishe d minds to decrease the percentage of poverty in the world, and where everyone wins the right to live in this, our planet Earth.
Strategic plan Essay Example for Free
Strategic plan EssayThe objective of this weeks assignment atomic number 18 to create a thrum compendium for the Combat Sports Association to determine the congenital long suits and weaknesses of the organization and the external opportunities and threats to organization. The assignment will in like manner identify the legitimate and regulative trends that need to be taken into consideration and how the CSA will adapt to changes in the industry. Major issues will be set and classified to determine the importance of each issue in the analysis. SWOT ANALYSISStrength Weakness Strategy- Provide feel utility by staying true to the CSA vision, mission, and incumbrance values Structure- The structure for CSA is simplistic that it can be managed by the owner and an Administrative Executive and service rendered by contractors Resources- limited resources are take for start up (capitol, facilities, computers, personnel Leadership- CSA leaders has a turn up track record with in the combat sports community Technology- CSA has in truth little knowledge of current engineering science application such as web design. Intellectual Property- All applicable regulatory conveyments for SCA need to be written.Economic Combat sports are currently the fastest growing sports in the U. S Technology The exploitation in technology allows faster dialogue via social media, smart phones to allow for real time communication Innovation By staying up to date on the changes/issues in the sports CSA will can stay of the guide edge of discipline officials and provide customers will the surmount service available Competitive Analysis there is tremendous growth in the sports. in that location are more promoters than established okay bodies. Resulting in a stronger market plow for a reputable sanctioning bodyLegal/regulatory Combat Sports legal/regulatory requirements vary from state to State Social Changes in social values of promoters (ethics/morals) and competitors ( banned substances) require constant supervision Environmental Exposure to blood borne pathogens by officials, competitors, and fans must be mitigated by ensuring testing and proper disposal of bio hazard materials Opportunity Threat The Combat Sports Association SWOT analysis provides key areas of focus for development of a strategic plan for operating a new sanctioning body for combat sports in Nevada.The external factors that will be looked at are legal and regulatory requirements in the combat sports industry and how CSA will apply these requirements to ensure customer deference. CSA will look at the economical perspective in regards to the growth of combat sports in Nevada and the warlike analysis SCA will persona to be a low-cost provider in a competitive market. These issues are classified as the external issues of CSA . The internal factor that will indentify the strengths and weaknesses of CSA will be Leadership, structure, resources, and able topographic point.The lead ership provided to CSA customers and sub-contractors is a differentiating value chain activity that sets CSA apart from competitors. CSA is structured as a flat organization to provide a simplistic communication with customers and contractor and eliminate costs to maximize profit. Few physical resources and overhead are needed to develop CSA in the combat sports industry. The most significant hurdle to overcome fro CSA is the development of quick property that will set CSA apart from the competition. These issues are classified as the internal issues of CSA.The two largest hurdling for CSA are the legal and regulatory factors (external) and the intellectual property (internal). Legal and regulatory factors were identified as a threat based on governmental laws of the state of Nevada. The Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) is the office of primary feather responsibility (OPR) that sets the regulatory guidance of combat sports in Nevada. This is accomplished through N. R. S 46 7 and N. A. C. 467 making compliance mandatory for all sanctioning bodies within Nevadas jurisdiction. CSA must comply with these stock(a)s and stay attuned to whatsoever changes, adapt to any changes of the law. i example is the policy changes for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for combat sports athletes. The intellectual property for the SCA must be written to comply with the regulatory requirements of the NSAC. SCA classified intellectual property as an internal issue and weakness. CSA intellectual property is the policies and procedures that the organization will range from and the standards operating procedures that its customers/promoters/athletes will abide by. The intellectual property has for CSA has yet to be written.Until the CSAs regulatory guidance is written CSA will be unable to operate within the state of Nevada. The economic factor was classified as an external issue and indentified as strength for CSA. Combat Sports in the U. S. , particularly Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is the fastest growing sport. With the interest in the sports growing more gyms that cater to the mixed martial artist are opening. Those athletes that wish to compete seek out organizations they wish to compete for. This results in more events being put on by promoters.There is more business minded people investing in becoming promoters. As this growth continues it representation more opportunity and work for sanctioning bodies. The CSA can take advantage of this growth in the MMA by conducting a competitive analysis to determine its place in the market. The competitive analysis was classified as strength for CSA because it beat the competition in all but one category. This gives CSA a strong competitive position in the sanctioning body market. Competitive Analysis CSA Rival 1 Rival 2 Quality performance 10 8 7 Reputation/Image 10 7 6Service Capabilities 10 8 7 Competence Capabilities 9 9 7 Financial Resources 8 9 8 Geographical Infrastructure 9 8 8 Un-weighted Strength Assessment 56 49 43 The leadership of CSA is classified as an internal factor and identified as strength. One of the key factors is the experience the leadership has in the combat sports industry and over 21 years of providing quality control for regulatory standards. CSAs leadership has a proven track record within the industry for shackle to regulatory compliance and leading promoters to compliance rather than forcing them.The leadership is recognized as a strung-out matter expert within the state for matters concerning combat sports and is often recommended by NSAC to consult with new promoters antecedent to state licensing. The CSA leadership is a resident of the state of Nevada where-as rival companies are out of state residents. This allows CSA leadership to frequently meet with NSAC on key issues and provide on-site supervision for customers/promoters event. All the experience and expertise has allowed the CSA leadership to develo p a vision, mission, and core values that will allow SCA to achieve unprecedented winner in a growing industry.The Structure of SCA flat this allows for direct communication to all functional areas of the CSA. This as well is effective in cutting costs. By maintaining a flat structure CSA management speaks this instant with customers and subcontractors on all matter to facilitate continuous improve to relationships and processes. For example if a customers CFO needs a specific information on CSA officials travel itinerary they can cry (out) CSA management or the officials directly or if the customers administrative executive needs statistical data from previous event they can call CSA management directly.One of the benefits of a flat structure is that CSA provides customers with a hands-on approach to dealing with the customers needs. This creates a friendly and trusting environment. Another benefit to a flat structure is that it alleviates the high costs of four-fold management and employees costs. With a flat structure that outsources key positions to subcontractors CSA can focus directly on increase profits. Customers/promoter will pay the subcontractors directly and only pay CSA the event representative fee and the standard sanctioning fee for services rendered.The resources factors was classified as an internal strength because there are very little resources and overhead needed to start up a sanctioning body. Essentially the initial resources needed are a computer, home office, and standard office supply. Very little capitol is needed to start this business. virtually additional costs will be a business license, incorporation fees, legal fees to ensure contracts with customers are properly written to reduce CSA liabilities.CSA has established relationships with the best subcontractor/officials (Referees, judges, timekeepers, scorekeepers, inspectors, and physicians) in the combat sports industry. These relationships will help CSA go forward forwar d to become the premiere sanctioning body in Nevada. By using qualified and training officials CSA will create a culture of safe and fair competition for its customers that will attract the best competitors. This will result in a larger fan base for the promoters thus generating higher shred sales and increased revenue.The comprehensive SWOT analysis conducted by CSA has achieved compound result that provides CSA with multiple areas of focus. It identified the internal strength and weaknesses of the organization. The opportunity and threat identified external factor that need to be cogitate on. The competitive analysis provided a current snapshot of how CSA currently ranks within the industry. The SWOT analysis as well shows CSA where it can make improvements. The overall assessment for CSA is that it can gain a considerable market share of the combat sports industry within Nevada considering the growth of combat sports.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Causes of conflict in romantic relationships
Causes of conflict in romanticistic consanguinitysAs long as people overhear gotten romantic whollyy involved with virtuoso former(a), t here(predicate) has been conflict within those consanguinitys. roughly people argue that conflict is tough for the kind and go come out of the closet ultimately lead to the demise of that consanguinity. Others argue that the conflict is good for the relationship and go forth help it to flourish. Conflict jackpot be two positive and negative for a relationship. It put up both help and hinder the relationship. No matter what stage the relationship is in and whether or not the relationship is being helped or hurt, conflict is always happening in different contexts. Conflict is in like manner caused by numerous reasons. These reasons include a overleap of inter individualal communicating skills, low aims of trust, physical execration, an individuals past invoice in relationships, and m distributively others.Not many an(prenominal) people in the world can say that they waste had a 100% successful romantic relationship. Looking at the senior high gear school divorce rate in the United States can prove this. However, there ar those pits that cave in re chief(prenominal)ed together for numerous years. As I am sure that conflict played a big part in ending a large number of relationships, I am also sure that the successful relationships relieve oneself had their fair dowery of conflict and pick out even been helped by that conflict. In this paper, I have constructed lodge propositions relating conflict to real behaviors within romantic relationships. Each one will be defined, summarized, and supported according to the available research.P1- Wo men that have been nuisanced in the past argon to a greater extent likely to remain in an abusive relationship.Unfortunately, thousands of women argon abused everyday in the United States. This abuse can be physical, verbal, or psychological. Women, by nature, come along to hold a higher sense of personal worth when involved in a relationship. From birth, women are taught by society to conform to certain expectations and definitions of what it convey to be a female. Growing up, women always here phrases such as Thats not lady like or You should be treated like a lady. What does it mean to be a lady? According to most societies, it means that women are the weaker sex and are always in ingest of a man to take care of them. Men are taught, from birth, what it means to be a man. This definition is usu onlyy one of dominance and guard. This is shown in phrases such as I am the man of the house.When a woman is abused earlier in life she is trained in that frame of mind that women are the conformists and men are the dictators. Violence by men is a study component of the larger social hierarchy of sexual urge. (Woods, 1999, p. 481). The abuse in these relationships usu all toldy instills feelings of inferiority, which goes along with their societal discipline from childhood. Not only does this abuse give feelings of inferiority but also feelings of shame which lead to a sense of obligation to conserve the relationship to the best of her ability. According to a study done by K.M.Landenburger (1988), most women in these instances gave up on themselves before they gave up on their attendants. If giving up on themselves, the logical conclusion is that they will eventually see the abuse as a social norm and will expect that in future relationships, thus repeating the cycle over and over again.P2- Women who have had to a greater extent(prenominal) sexual assistants increase their likelihood of abuse in a romantic relationship.Again, in this proposition, abuse is defined as physical, verbal, or psychological. As in any situation, the more exposure that a person has to a certain element, the more risk is involved pertaining to that element. In this case, women who have more sexual partners are exposing themselves to a g reater risk factor of being intimate with that one that will engage in some sort of abusive behavior. With the increased exposure to a number of intimate partners, there comes a decreased sense of control for the women involved in these relationships. (Neufeld, McNamara, Ertl, 1999). When a person loses their sense of control, they become undefendable and susceptible to incidence of abuse.According to the Abusive Behavior Inventory, (Shephard and Campbell, 1992 shown in Neufield, McNamara, Ertl 1999) the instance of abuse with a high number of partners went up foretokenificannotly in all reflexions of the definition. However it seemed that the highest level of abuse occurred psychologically. The ABI also indicated that 5% of undergraduate females had over seven sexual partners in a six-month period. This group showed the highest incidence of abuse within those relationships. It seems to me that any people who expose themselves to a high number such as this are going to be sick t hemselves in a situation where the abuse would be expected, to an outside observer.P3- High levels of danger cause high levels of dependency on romantic relationships.Dependency is defined as the reliance of an individual on other person for the satisfaction of his/her take ups. (Attridge, Berscheid, Sprecher, 1998). In this case, insecurity can be defined as relational heart a person will have doubts and uncertainties nigh the relationship that he/she is in. Insecurity is a sign that a person is lacking a perceive need in their life. Insecurity would then be the counterpart of dependency as w person would be lacking something so depending on something else. This is explained as Theory views the degree to which a person is dependent on a specific relationship as a function, not only of the number and importance of the needs the relationship currently satisfies for the individual, but also as a function of the extent to which those needs cannot be satisfied by alternative mean s. (Attridge, Berscheid, Sprecher, 1998, p. 33). When a person believes both that a relationship fills specific needs and that there are a lack of alternatives to fulfilling those needs a greater level of dependence is going to occur.Different factors that may lead to insecurity include the appearance of another person that the partner appears to have an attraction to, or a perceived lack of interest from the partner. Whatever the cause for the insecurity, it seems to always lead to a further dependence on that relationship. The reason for this is a fear of losing the relationship, therefore resulting in a further need for the counterpart to save the relationship.P4- Women are more likely than men to sine qua non a higher level of stodginess in a romantic relationship.Closeness in any relationship is important in order for the relationship to flourish. I believe that most people involved in romantic relationships feel this way and lust that minginess. However, it is my content ion that women perceive that closeness as playing a some(prenominal) bigger role than men do. As previously stated in Proposition 1, men and women are taught different things about gender roles from the time they are born. Women are supposed to be the caretakers of the relationships and men are supposed to be the huntsman and gatherers that are independent and dont need to always have that closeness. (Feeney, 1999).In regards to closeness in romantic relationships, the partner that is more likely to initiate conversation about issues affecting the relationship is more likely to be the one who puts more value on closeness. In contrast, the partner who puts less value on closeness is more likely to avoid these conversations. In a study done by Judith Feeney, 37 out of 72 couples that were interviewed revealed that there was a difference of opinion when it came to the issues of closeness and distance. This doesnt necessarily show that these women felt that the closeness factor was mo re important than the men did. As one man interviewed statedShe didnt seem to rightfully want me to much of a part of her life. Because of that, because I hate being neglected, I tended to react by neglecting her. Like I was trying to find faults within her so I could make myself feel better. I was always trying to find faults with her. (cf. Feeney, 1999).This man clearly felt that closeness was more important to the relationship than his female counterpart. Despite this mans view on closeness, 26 out of the 37 that reported different ideas about closeness and distance, said that the female in the relationship held a higher view of importance on closeness than the man did in their romantic relationship.P5- People with a high level of distrust in their partners feelings towards them, are more likely to have unstable romantic relationships.All relationships need to be ground on trust if they are going to succeed. If you dont trust the partner you are with or vice-versa, then that re lationship will never have the strong foundation that relationships need in order to succeed. Distrust in a partners feelings will form an emotional barrier between the two participants that are involved with each other. This barrier will eventually become the main focus of the relationship thereby halting all opportunities to focus on other aspects of that relationship. (Simpson, Grich, Ickes, 1999). For example, if a man distrusts his significannotother, he may always ask if she is happy, or if anything is bothering her. She always says that she is happy and nothing is wrong, but she doesnt understand why he keeps asking. This eventually becomes more than an botheration to her and she finally starts telling him to stop asking. The man then thinks that she is mad and has further distrust in her feelings. This whole scenario demonstrates how the focus shifts from the relationship to his constant distrust in her feelings.P6- People with low self-esteem are more likely to experienc e feelings of jealousy in romantic relationships.Jealousy is one of the most powerful and grievous feelings when dealing with conflict within romantic relationships. (Guerrero, 1998). Jealousy can cause depression, distrust, and /or anger, all of which are very harmful to relationships. When one person in a relationship has a low level of self-esteem, that person has feelings of inadequacy about him/herself in some aspect of his life. The inadequacies that the person feels causes him/her to feel like his partner can get something from someone or something else that he/she cant give. (Guerrero, 1998). Therefore, when the partner shows interest in something else (e.g. another likely mate, a job, or a new found friend), the other half of that relationship is consumed with overweight feelings that his partner is getting something, that he/she perceives as something that he/she cant give, from a source outside of their relationship. These feelings will cause conflict within him/her as well as within the relationship.Because one person in the relationship has low self-esteem, he/she believes that he needs the relationship but his/her partner doesnt necessarily need him/her. (Attridge, Berscheid, Sprecher, 1998). This will also cause the person to feel threatened when he/she thinks that there is a potential threat to that security blanket. This threat will be shown in the form of jealousy.P7- Men who are commanding to their partners are more likely to become physically abusive.In many romantic relationships, one of the partners feels the need to be compulsive. They usually do this by restricting their partners social interactions, monitoring their activities, and reducing their decision-making power. (Ehrensaft Vivian, 1999, p. 251). Men, by nature, have the need to feel that they are always in control. This is especially evident in romantic relationships. Some men however take it to the extreme. They feel the need to watch and control their partners every mov e. Sometimes this controlling behavior can enlistment into violent behavior. If a man, who is controlling, feels like he is losing that control, he will many times move to more extreme measures to gain that control back. A survey done on battered women showed that most women reported their partner to be controlling and restrictive before the physical abuse began. Furthermore, most battering men reported that before they became physically abusive to their intimate partners, they made unwarranted attempts to limit the independence, decision making power, and social networks of their partner, in some cases they even felt entitled to control them. (Ehrensaft Vivian, 1999, p. 253).P8- Couples that express empathy in conflict are more likely to develop a stable romantic relationship.When in conflict it is always important to express empathy in order for the conflict to be constructive. Empathy can be explained as having a basic understanding of what the other person is thinking and fee ling. Empathy, in my opinion, is one of the key ingredients to having successful communication. It is seen as being so important in romantic relationships that people have developed empathy-training workshops for people involved in romantic relationships. Many scholars have reported that the two main components of empathy are get a lineing and suspending ones own thoughts and feelings. (Long, Angera, Carter, Nakamoto, Kalso, 1999). Both of these components are essential to developing and maintaining a stable and vigorous romantic relationship.Listening can be explained as a conscious attempt to listen to all information that a partner is trying to communicate to their counterpart. If one partner never listens to the other, it is impossible to crawl in and understand what the other person is thinking or feeling unless that person is a mind reader. Without that willingness to listen it is therefor impossible to be empathic.Suspending ones own thoughts and feelings is of equal impo rtance. A person cannot shown any signs of empathy if that person is overly focused upon his/her self. (Long, Angera, Carter, Nakamoto, Kalso, 1999, p. 236). For example if a woman is expressing her concerns to her male partner about his lack of interest in going to the ballet, it is impossible for the man to be empathic if he is only focused on how much he hates the ballet. This then leads to conflict. However, if the man understands her wants and puts his aside, it will show empathy and promote better levels of communication. This will in turn result in a more stable relationship. This can also work in the detailed opposite context where the woman understands how much the man dislikes the ballet and puts her feelings aside. This to will develop better communication practice.P9- Men are more likely to withdraw from a somber discussion in a romantic relationship than women are.Men are always said to be the ones in the relationship who want to avoid conflict. This is why I believ e that men are more likely to avoid serious discussions about the relationship with their partner. Most of the time when there is a conflict between a couple that is romantically involved with each other, it is the sign that there is a job in some aspect of the relationship. Most men learn throughout life to be problem solvers. This comes to be a problem if the conflict or serious discussion involves a problem that the man is unable to solve. If this is the case, the man is more likely to withdraw from that serious discussion than the woman is. (Vogel, Wester, Heesacker, 1999).This male withdraw pattern can also be explained by the fact that women are many times seen as having less control in a relationship and are therefore looking to change it. This has to start by discussing the relationship. Males on the other hand are many times seen as having more control in the relationship and therefore less open to the idea of change. This starts by withdrawing from the discussion about t he relationship. (Vogel, Wester, Heesacker, 1999).As you can see, conflict happens in all aspects of romantic relationships. Like I stated earlier in this paper, sometimes it is helpful such as the use of empathy. It is also sometimes hurtful as in the case where a more controlling male is more likely to become physically abusive. However, whether it is good or bad, it is unavoidable. In these nine propositions I have shown a small fraction of a small percent of the different contexts that conflicts can occur in romantic relationships. Whether or not you agree with my propositions, the main goal of this was to study them. As there will always be romantic relationships in existence, there will also be conflict within those relationships. If other conflicts are studied, it is conceivable that methods can be developed to make all conflicts within romantic relationships positive that will result in positive outcomes.
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