Sunday, January 12, 2014

'Creon and Antigone are honourable people, yet both are fatally proud, and that is the source of the tragedy.'

Tragedy: any change surfacet which is disastrous fatal or dreadful. some(prenominal) Creon and Antig ace were respectable, honourable and someone other people looked up to, further they were too hubris in their actions and were too over proud of themselves. chest is a theme that both Creon and Antigone had such(prenominal) of and were too mirky about their self-complacencyful actions. Loyalty was something that Antigone showed much of towards her family, yet Creon had a wife and son and was precise disloyal to them. Passion is what brings Antigones emotions out, rooted(predicate) Creon brings out his passion in different ways. Too much insolence and personal worth caused tragedys in the city of Thebes. regular though Creon had so much pride, hed simply listen to himself and not anyone from his city. Although he was the King of Thebes, it felt like he only cute to satisfy his needs, no one elses. As he quotes in the book, none of my subjects guesss as you do, it sho ws that he thinks no one plenty think of better ideas than him and that makes the city of Thebes feel purposeless towards him. Antigone is besides a character that has too much pride because she has very strong ideas and acts; she wants everyone to believe in her. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Yet, she asks her sister Ismene for jockstrap, Ismene refuses to help as she knows that there will be consequences and Antigone feels that her sister isnt macrocosm demonstrative of(predicate) of her. Antigone says that I have done right entirely on and will let it be known that it is Creon who has caused totally this. This shows that she believes in her self too much and thinks she is alway! s right. She doesnt even think of the consequences that will happen to her because she has too... If you want to get a lavish essay, order it on our website:

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