Thursday, January 30, 2020
Lack of Communication Essay Example for Free
Lack of Communication Essay Lack of communication is the number one cause in divorces in the United States, while there are marriages that work out there are many that don’t. For every two marriages there has been one divorce in the 21st century. (Britannica) Often in a relationship we don’t consider the small things and we move to quickly not thinking about the opinion of the people we interact with. In this article by Aziza Shumba she gives very clear, concise details on why communication is important in a relationship. An interesting fact I happened to stumble upon while reading was that a lack of communication can affect all aspects of life, from what you like to wear to what color paint you paint your home. Some couples feel like they communicate but the key is communicating effectively. Communicating effectively means communicating thoroughly, being optimistic, keeping an open mind and having a listening ear to new opinions. This is very important when it comes to using it in the work place, considering many people just go along with what they are told and never speak unless spoken to. In the work place many people have usually one of three issues: they never speak their opinion, the person who is overbearing, or the person who rides both sides of the fence, it doesn’t make a situation easier but it does make it easier when you can talk to someone and they can keep a conversation without criticism, ignorance or pessimistic attitudes. This is also a great way to build a better relationship with the ones you work with by giving you a stronger confidence when speaking and communicating. Although effective communication is very important, planning and time management is very important when communicating with people. I figured out this is very important once I got to college because if you don’t have good time management it will disrupt your whole life schedule and those around you. For example if I decide to wait until the last minute to turn in homework at 11:55 at night, and then my computer cord blows and catches my computer on fire, what would I do? I would have to wait until I could get access to another computer, and by the time I get to another computer the assignment would be late. Planning in a marriage can definitely be a â€Å"killer†when it comes to marriages, the wife may unexpectedly become pregnant or he/she may decide to get a dog/cat without the other partners consent. If communication is not laid down in the beginning these things may come to be a surprise to the other partner which will lead to divorce and strife. In a marriage getting a life plan is important, even if it is not set in stone it is considerably useful in the progression of a stable marriage to have an outline of what the couple wants together. In conclusion, a lack of communication can lead to the building of other skills if it is caught early on, as long as communication is effective and you have a plan for life and use effective time management you should be able to build STRONG communication skills to help you in everyday life.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Herbal Medicine Essay -- essays research papers
Herbal medicine is the extraction of herbs or plants which have a medicinal value in treating illnesses and diseases (Brody 1). A herb is known as a plant that does not have a woody stem and usually dies back at the end of each growing season. It is also known as a "natural" drug because they are derived from nature. This is unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which are synthesized from chemicals. Herbal medicine dates back a very long time. More than 4,000 years ago, the Chinese emperor Qien Nong put a book together, or a herbal, of different medicinal plants (O’ Sullivan 2). It contained descriptions of more than 300 plants. Some of these plants are still used today. The Sumerians, at the same time recorded prescriptions on clay tablets. Also, the Egyptians recorded their information regarding medicine on rolls of papyrus. A very famous papyrus is the Ebers Papyrus, which includes specific information on how to use different plants (Brody 1). The Greeks and Romans learned about herbal medicine from these early civilizations. They also recorded them in books. We know of these works because they are translated into Arabic. Monks in Europe studied and grew plants for medicinal use. They translated the Arabic and that helped them with the plants. The first drugstores were in Baghdad (which is present day Iraq) in the 9th century (Smith 1). In the 13th century, major trade of herbs and spices occurred in London. Since there were no standards, bad quality herbs and wrong substitutes were often sold. Carolus Linneaus introduced the binomial system of plant nomenclature in 1753 (O’Sullivan 1). This helped identify plants scientifically, which helped to avoid mistakes between different plants. Many drugs commonly used today are of herbal origin. About one-quarter of the prescription drugs distributed by pharmacies in the United States contain at least one ingredient derived from plant material. Today, everyone from health care consumers to providers are learning about natural options to help with being healthy. â€Å"Herbalists, or individuals who use herbal remedies to alleviate pain, are on the rise in the United States†(Tremmel 1). In 1995, a survey was taken with about 600 physicians across the count... ...umerous kinds of herbal medicines available today. The best way of getting you money’s worth is by asking for the most popular one. This isn’t the only step, but also ask for any clinical trials, consult your doctor, and/or the company of the product. This way you can get the most effective product and be safe at the same time. I think that this new era of using natural herbal medicine is great and I support it greatly. Trying something new for a change is good. Even though some kinds of herbal medicine can produce harmful effects, many of the others are good. The only problem I see is that the Food and Drug Administration didn’t make it a requirement for the makers to submit studies on the drugs. Therefore, maybe sellers can make specific claims about preventing a disease even though it isn’t true. So if the FDA starts testing the medicines and helps separate the good from the bad then everything will be great. Thus, herbal medicine is medicine made from different parts of plants. They have become very popular in modern times. Some of these herbal medicines can be helpful while others can be harmful.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Does Technology Make Us More Alone? Essay
Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, and obviously by texting or messaging. But are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone? Even though technology helps us to communicate with people around the world but it also can make us become more isolated. â€Å"Get connected†is a phrase that we have grown accustomed to hearing and seeing in the 21st century. With technology developing faster than ever, the digital world is at our fingertips. Some might say that the introduction of social networking has helped to bring people closer together all around the world. Though our online communities may have a likeness to real-life societies, they are in fact nothing but numb conceptions of our day to day lives fuelled by self-pride and egoism. With our reliance on social media sites such as Facebook actually cutting us from real-life society, it is a sad truth that mankind is looking at a very forlorn and pitiful future. Instead of meeting someone in person and hanging out with them more, we tend to text or utilize our smartphones to talk to people. Technology makes us more alone because we are always depending on our phones and other technology; when we start to get too attached to our gadgets, we start to compare our life with the lives of others, and we just ourselves with the amount likes and followers someone else has. Besides, being lonely is a big deal. Research revealed that being lonely is even more dangerous to your health than being overweight. Loneliness can increase your risk of dying by 26%. According to The Independent, â€Å"Recent research indicates that this may be the next biggest public health issue on par with obesity and substance abuse.†Technology is great if we use it correctly with a certain limit, if we do not it is going to tear our lives apart if we become too attached to it. We are more focused on talking to someone thousands of miles away rather than someone who is right next to us. When we use technology constantly it makes it harder for us to interact with people in real life. The more time we spent on our phones and televisions the harder it will be for us to interact and talk to people in the real life. Research has shown that people who have lots of friends tend to be happier, healthier and they live longer than the ones who do not have many or any friends in real life. Many people build relationships online and for a while, they would not feel lonely but over time we will feel frustrated because we cannot interact with the other person face to face. We scroll through our Instagram in silence when we are in the car with your family. We text our friend instead of meeting them in person. It is easier for us to make friends virtually than in real life. This shows how attached we are to technology. Being too focused on a screen makes you forget the difference between being alone and being lonely. Technology negatively influences our social interaction, it makes people more socially awkward and lonely. In fact, a study by greater good suggests that â€Å"smartphone use may be taking a toll on our biological capacity to connect with other people†. Technology is affecting our society in a negative way, but that does not mean that we are going to stop using technology, it has come to stay. But it is up to us to decide how much we let technology domin ate our lives. At the end, it is always our decision if we want to see the world through a screen or your own eyes.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Information Literacy and Leadership Essay - 1923 Words
Proposed Topic The purpose research is to outline the importance of information literacy and recommendations for the future. Specifically, it argues for the importance of Information Literacy to individuals, business, and citizenship. It suggests opportunities to develop information literacy which addresses the information age in school. Information Literacy and Leadership Information literacy in individuals lives has traditionally valued quality of life and the pursuit of happiness; however, these goals are increasingly difficult to achieve because of the complexities of life in todays information and technology dependent society. The cultural and educational opportunities available in an average community, for example, are†¦show more content†¦It provides them with the ability to build their own arguments and to experience the excitement of the search for knowledge. It not only prepares them for lifelong learning; but, by experiencing the excitement of their own successful quests for knowledge, it also creates in young people the motivation for pursuing learning throughout their lives. For example, businesses and individuals need to have opportunities to have up-to-date technology. Lupton (2007) describes the main reasons for the rise and importance of information literacy which include: The increasingly widespread introduction of student-centered inquiry-based pedagogies, the explosion of information available to teachers and students and the move to electronic sources of information †¦ [and] the identification of information literacy as a generic skill and graduate attribute (p. 400). The findings of the present study indicate that information literacy incorporates both generic and situated aspects; that is, those aspects that are universal, and those that are contextual. When the present study is compared with previous studies, it might be concluded that varying treatment of evidence and argument could be considered as generic, as these aspects were present in the other studies. â€Å"The study is designed for teachers, students, and librarians, academic skills advisers and academic developers in higher education†(Lupton, par 1, 2001). However, the findings of the presentShow MoreRelatedInformation Literacy and Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership in It Management1337 Words  | 6 PagesInformation Literacy and Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership in IT Management R. Dannels University of Phoenix IT (Information Technology) management entails all the routine issues faced by any type of business manager in addition to the issues of software development, technology purchasing (not necessarily physical items), systems integration, the limits of technology and the related budgetary issues. 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