Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Geomorphology Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Geomorphology - Lab Report Example Why did you choose this angle? (5 pts) 4. A local business informs you they have a 1 m-thick rock slab with a density of 1000 kg m-3 lying in their backyard that slopes at 25 degrees. Given normal weather conditions and unsaturated soils, will this rock slide and potentially destroy their business? Justify your answer in terms of angle, Driving and Resisting forces. (5 pts) Normal forces or resting forces on a boulder cliff tends to restrict the movement of an object. The angle of the slope is a contributing factor to the movement of a boulder along a hill slope. Additionally, the stability of the slope also affects the movement of an object. In this case, factors such as friction and cohesion determine how fast an object moves (Lemke). 2. Based on your scatter plot and knowledge acquired from your textbook, what is the critical angle, in degrees, that determines if the boulder would move, or not? Why did you choose this angle? (5 pts) The critical angle for determining whether the boulder would move, or not is 45.840 degrees. At this point, the boulder would assume a stationery motion. The value is arrived by observing the point of intersection between the curves of shear and normal stress. 4. A local business informs you they have a 1 m-thick rock slab with a density of 1000 kg m-3 lying in their backyard that slopes at 25 degrees. Given normal weather conditions and unsaturated soils, will this rock slide and potentially destroy their business? Justify your answer in terms of angle, Driving and Resisting forces. (5 pts) At 25 degrees, the sheer force on the rock will be 984.807753 while the normal stress will be 173.6481777 (in the opposite direction). This means that the forces propelling the rock slab downwards are greater than the resisting forces. Assuming that the weather conditions remain at normal levels it is highly
Monday, October 28, 2019
Human Rights Essay Example for Free
Human Rights Essay Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are thus conceived as universal and egalitarian . These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in local, regional, national, and international law. The doctrine of human rights in international practice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of non-governmental organizations, has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world. The idea of human rights states, if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights. Despite this, the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content, nature and justifications of human rights to this day. Indeed, the question of what is meant by a right is itself controversial and the subject of continued philosophical debate. Many of the basic ideas that animated the human rights movement developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the atrocities of The Holocaust, culminating in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The ancient world did not possess the concept of universal human rights. The true forerunner of human rights discourse was the concept of natural rights which appeared as part of the medieval Natural law tradition that became prominent during the Enlightenment with such philosophers as John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, and featured prominently in the political discourse of the American Revolution and the French Revolution. From this foundation, the modern human rights arguments emerged over the latter half of the twentieth century. History of concept Although ideas of rights and liberty have existed in some form for much of human history, they do not resemble the modern conception of human rights. According to Jack Donnelly, in the ancient world, traditional societies typically have had elaborate systems of duties conceptions of justice, political legitimacy, and human flourishing that sought to realize human dignity, flourishing, or well-being entirely independent of human rights. These institutions and practices are alternative to, rather than different formulations of, human rights. The modern sense of human rights can be traced to Renaissance Europe and the Protestant Reformation, alongside the disappearance of the feudal authoritarianism and religious conservativism that dominated the Middle Ages. One theory is that human rights were developed during the early Modern period, alongside the European secularization of Judeo-Christian ethics. The most commonly held view is that concept of human rights evolved in the West, and that while earlier cultures had important ethical concepts, they generally lacked a concept of human rights. For example, McIntyre argues there is no word for right in any language before 1400. and constituted a form of limited political and legal agreement to address specific political circumstances, in the case of Magna Carta later being recognised in the course of early modern debates about rights. One of the oldest records of human rights is the statute of Kalisz, giving privileges to the Jewish minority in the Kingdom of Poland such as protection from discrimination and hate speech. The earliest conceptualization of human rights is credited to ideas about natural rights emanating from natural law. In particular, the issue of universal rights was introduced by the examination of extending rights to indigenous peoples by Spanish clerics, such as Francisco de Vitoria and Bartolome de Las Casas. In the Valladolid debate, Juan Gines de Sepulveda, who maintained an Aristotelian view of humanity as divided into classes of different worth, argued with Las Casas, who argued in favor of equal rights to freedom of slavery for all humans regardless of race or religion. In Britain in 1683, the English Bill of Rights and the Scottish Claim of Right each made illegal a range of oppressive governmental actions. Two major revolutions occurred during the 18th century, in the United States and in France, leading to the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen respectively, both of which established certain legal rights. Additionally, the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776 encoded into law a number of fundamental civil rights and civil freedoms. These were followed by developments in philosophy of human rights by philosophers such as Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill and G. W. F. Hegel during the 18th and 19th centuries. The term human rights probably came into use some time between Paines The Rights of Man and William Lloyd Garrisons 1831 writings in The Liberator, in which he stated that he was trying to enlist his readers in the great cause of human rights. In the 19th century, human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery. A number of reformers, such as William Wilberforce in Britain, worked towards the abolition of slavery. This was achieved in the British Empire by the Slave Trade Act 1807 and the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. In the United States, all the northern states had abolished the institution of slavery between 1777 and 1804, although southern states clung tightly to the peculiar institution. Conflict and debates over the expansion of slavery to new territories constituted one of the reasons for the southern states secession and the American Civil War. During the reconstruction period immediately following the war, several amendments to the United States Constitution were made. These included the 13th amendment, banning slavery, the 14th amendment, assuring full citizenship and civil rights to all people born in the United States, and the 15th amendment, guaranteeing African Americans the right to vote. Many groups and movements have achieved profound social changes over the course of the 20th century in the name of human rights. In Europe and North America, labour unions brought about laws granting workers the right to strike, establishing minimum work conditions and forbidding or regulating child labor. The womens rights movement succeeded in gaining for many women the right to vote. National liberation movements in many countries succeeded in driving out colonial powers. One of the most influential was Mahatma Gandhis movement to free his native India from British rule. Movements by long-oppressed racial and religious minorities succeeded in many parts of the world, among them the African American Civil Rights Movement, and more recent diverse identity politics movements, on behalf of women and minorities in the United States. The establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the 1864 Lieber Code and the first of the Geneva Conventions in 1864 laid the foundations of International humanitarian law, to be further developed following the two World Wars. The World Wars, and the huge losses of life and gross abuses of human rights that took place during them, were a driving force behind the development of modern human rights instruments. The League of Nations was established in 1919 at the negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles following the end of World War I. The Leagues goals included disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation and diplomacy, and improving global welfare. Enshrined in its charter was a mandate to promote many of the rights later included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At the 1945 Yalta Conference, the Allied Powers agreed to create a new body to supplant the Leagues role; this was to be the United Nations. The United Nations has played an important role in international human-rights law since its creation. Following the World Wars, the United Nations and its members developed much of the discourse and the bodies of law that now make up international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Philosophy The philosophy of human rights attempts to examine the underlying basis of the concept of human rights and critically looks at its content and justification. Several theoretical approaches have been advanced to explain how and why human rights have become a part of social expectations. One of the oldest Western philosophies of human rights is that they are a product of a natural law, stemming from different philosophical or religious grounds. Other theories hold that human
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Skyscrapers, Damping Systems, and Physics :: physics buildings skyscraper architecture
Skyscrapers are amazing! Architectural defeats. Wonders of the world. How are they able to withstand even the strongest of winds and earthquakes? Today, engineers rely on damping systems to counteract nature's forces. There are many types of damping systems that engineers can now use for structures, automobiles, and even tennis rackets! This site focuses on damping systems in structures, mainly architectural variations of the tuned mass damper. How Tuned Mass Dampers Work A tuned mass damper (TMD) consists of a mass (m), a spring (k), and a damping device (c), which dissipates the energy created by the motion of the mass (usually in a form of heat). In this figure, M is the structure to which the damper would be attached. From the laws of physics, we know that F = ma and a = F/m. This means that when an external force is applied to a system, such as wind pushing on a skyscraper, there has to be an accleration. Consequently, the people in the skyscraper would feel this acceleration. In order to make the occupants of the building feel more comfortable, tuned mass dampers are placed in structures where the horizontal deflections from the wind's force are felt the greatest, effectively making the building stand relatively still. When the building begins to oscillate or sway, it sets the TMD into motion by means of the spring and, when the building is forced right, the TMD simultaneously forces it to the left. Ideally, the frequencies and amplitudes of the TMD and the structure should nearly match so that EVERY time the wind pushes the building, the TMD creates an equal and opposite push on the building, keeping its horizontal displacement at or near zero. If their frequencies were significantly different, the TMD would create pushes that were out of sync with the pushes from the wind, and the building's motion would still be uncomfortable for the occupants. If their amplitudes were significantly different, the TMD would, for example, create pushes that were in sync with the pushes from the wind but not quite the same size and the building would still experience too much motion. The effectiveness of a TMD is dependent on the mass ratio (of the TMD to the structure itself), the ratio of the frequency of the TMD to the frequency of the structure (which is ideally equal to one), and the damping ratio of the TMD (how well the damping device dissipates energy).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mean Spirit :: Essays Papers
Mean Spirit Our story takes place on an oil-rich Native American town, called Watona, on a reservation in Oklahoma. The course of the story extends from 1918 to the mid-twenties. There is a multitude of characters that accompany this story. One of the most important characters is Nola Blanket, a young teenager who is a full-blooded Osage Indian. She is a very delicate girl but still very strong. Her mother, Grace Blanket, is a very beautiful, well-liked young woman who is very outgoing and fun-loving. Belle Graycloud is a feisty, strong-willed Indian woman. She is well respected and is the commanding grandmother of her household. Her family is very close to the Blankets, who are distant cousins. Belle’s daughter, Lettie, is a close friend of Grace. Lettie’s lover, Benoit, is an Osage man that is married to Grace’s crippled sister, Sara Blanket; but he is more like a brother and caretaker to her than he is a husband. Michael Horse is the fire keeper of the Osage tribe, but he also writes in his spare time. He is an old man who observes everything around him and writes it down in his journals. Stace Red Hawk is a Sioux Indian that works for the FBI. He became a federal agent in hopes of helping the Native Americans and protecting them from being taken advantage of. John Hale is a tall, lanky white rancher and oilman. He is trusted by the Indians, and seems to be a generous and helpful person. Watona was a small Indian town that prospered due to the rich rivers of oil flowing beneath it. As part of the Dawes Act, each Indian was allowed to choose an allotment of land not already claimed by white Americans. Although the 160 acres of land per Indian seemed generous, the land was barren and dry. The government did not know, however, that black oil seeped up out of the earth, and many Indians became very wealthy because of their â€Å"worthless†pieces of land. As a result of the Indians’ wealth, hundreds of white businessmen, fortune-hunters, traders, thieves, and swindlers swarmed to the reservation to make cash. When Grace Blanket is murdered by John Hale on a warm summer morning, it is made to look like a suicide and the local law enforcement passes it off as such.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Magistrate Power
Magistrate power to take cognizance of the offence After the stage of investigation is completed and the final report is forwarded by the police to competent magistrate, the second stage of fair trial begins that is taking of the cognizance of the offence by the magistrate. In this stage some of the necessary steps have to be take place. These steps are: – (i)to take cognizance of the offence, ii)then the magistrate enquire that whether any prima facia case exist against the accused person and if it exist then, (iii)to issue process against the accused person in order to secure his presence at the time of trial, (iv)to supply to the accused person the copies of police statement. Cognizance of the offence: – Meaning: – In the Criminal Procedure Code the term ‘Cognizance of the offence' is not defined but taking the cognizance of the offence is the first step towards the trial.The literally meaning of Cognizance is knowledge or notice and the taking cognizanc e of offence means taking notice or becoming aware of the commission of the offence. But the meaning of this expression is now well settled by the Courts. Taking cognizance does not involve any formal action of any kind but it occurs as soon as a magistrate applies his mind to the commission of the offence for the purpose of proceedings to take steps towards the Inquiry or Trial. It also includes intention of intention of initiating a judicial proceedings against an offender in respect of an offence.By whom the Cognizance of the offence is taken: – Under Section 190 of the Code, any magistrate of first class may take cognizance of any offence and any magistrate of second class, if specially empowered by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, may take the cognizance of the offence. But the court of session is not to take the cognizance of the offence directly as it is under the original jurisdiction unless the case is given to it by the magistrate. When the cognizance is taken: â€⠀œ A magistrate take the cognizance of the offence: – i)upon receiving a complaint of facts which constitute such offence. (ii)upon a police report of such facts, (iii)upon information received from any person other than a police officer, or upon his own knowledge, that such offence has been committed The word ‘Complaint' mentioned in the above paragraph is defined under the Section 2(d) of the Code as: – ‘any allegation made orally or in writing to a magistrate with a view to his taking action under this Code, that some person whether known or unknown has committed an offence, but it does not include a police report. So ordinarily a private citizen intending to initiate criminal proceedings in respect of an offence has two ways open to him. He may give information to the police if the offence is cognizable one, or he may go to the magistrate and file a complaint irrespective of the fact that whether the offence is cognizable or noncognizable. Now the quest ion arises whether the magistrate is bound to take the cognizance in the above circumstances. In this the Supreme Court in the case of Gopal Das V. State of Assam (1961) 2 Cri L. J. 39Observe that Section 190 of the Code does not means that once a complaint is filed, a magistrate is bound to take the cognizance of the offence if the facts stated in the complaint disclose the commission of any offence. But it becomes necessary for the magistrate to consider the reports of the police before taking the cognizance in case the final report is made to the magistrate after the investigation by the police. Transfer of case on the application of the accused: – The magistrate may also take the cognizance of the offence upon his own knowledge or information.But Section 191 of the Code requires that the accused person must have to be inform before taking of any evidence that he is entitled to have the case inquired into or tried by another magistrate and if the accused objects the procee dings being conducted before the magistrate taking the cognizance of the offence, the case will have to be transferred to such other magistrate as may be specified by the Chief Judicial Magistrate. Also the refusal to the request of the transfer in such a case would be illegal.Section 192 of the Code, has empowered the Chief Judicial Magistrate or a duly authorise magistrate of first class to transfer a case to another competent magistrate and the transfer made under the Section 192 can only be made after taking cognizance of the offence. Limitation on the power to take cognizance of an offence: – Section 195-199 are exception to the general rule regarding the cognizance of the offence contained in Section 190. These are given below: – 1. Prosecution for contempt of lawful authority of public servents: –Under Secion 195(1) it is provided that the cognizance of the following offences cannot be taken by any court : – (i)offence is punishable under section 1 72-188 of the IPC, (ii)offence of abetment, attempt to commit, etc (iii)offence of criminal conspiracy. except on the complaint in writing by the public officer concerned there or the complaint made by any public servent who is senior to the public officer concerned. The section 172-188 of the Code given in this section relates to the offence of contempt of lawful authority of public servants.For example: preventing the service of the summons, not obeying the legal order of the public servants, not producing documents so required by the public servants. and where the complaint has been made by a public servant, any authority to which he is subordinate can order the withdrawl of complaint and send a copy of such order to the court, and on the receipt of such order by the court, no further proceedings shall be taken on the complaint. 2. Prosecution for offence against public justice and for offences relating to the document given in evidence: –Under Section 195(1)(b) no court c an take the cognizance: – (i)of any offence punishable under any of the following sections of the I. P. C. namely 193-196, 199,200, 205-211 and 228 when such offence is alleged to have been committed in or in relation to the any proceeding in the court, (ii)of the offence punishable under section 475 or 476 of IPC when such offence is alleged to have been committed in respect of document produced r given in evidence in a proceedings in any court, or iii)of any criminal conspiracy to commit or attempt to commit or the abetment of any offence mentioned above except the complaint in writing of that court, or of some other court to which that court is subordinate.3. Prosecution for offences against the State: – Under Section 196(1) of the Code, any court shall not take the cognizance of the: – (a)any offence punishable under section 153-A, 153-B, section 295-A or Section 505 of IPC or (b)a criminal conspiracy to commit such offence,or (c)any such abetment, of the of fence. xcept with the previous sanction of the Central Government or the State Government. The offences above referred under the IPC relates to the offences against the State, for example : – promoting the enemity between the two groups of people, outraging the religious feeling of particular class etc. The object of this restrictive provision is to prevent unauthorised persons of state does not insitute suit against each other for just a small matter. 4. Prosecution for offence of criminal conspiracy: –Under Section 196(2) any court cannot take the cognizance of the offence which is punishable under S. 120-B of the I. P. Code other than punishable under death, imprisonment for life or other imprisonment for which the term is two years or upward unless the state government or the district magistrate has consented in writing to the intiation of the proceedings. The State Government or the District magistrate may before giving the consent can order the investigation by t he police officer.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Graduate School Is Different From College
How Graduate School Is Different From College The first days of graduate school go by in a blur for most new students. Even if you attend the same university as you did as an undergraduate, the graduate school experience is very different from being an undergrad. Is grad school harder than college? Definitely. Coursework Is Just the Beginning Classes are a big part of masters programs and the first couple of years of doctoral programs. But grad school entails more than completing a series of classes. You will take courses during the first couple of years of your Ph.D. program, but your later years will emphasize research (and you probably wont take any courses during those later years). The purpose of grad school is to develop a professional understanding of your discipline through independent reading and study. The Apprenticeship Model Most of what you learn in grad school will not come from classes, but from other activities such as conducting research and attending conferences. Youll choose and work closely with a faculty member on his or her research. As an apprentice of sorts, youll learn how to define research problems, design and carry out research projects to test your hypotheses and disseminate your results. The end goal is to become an independent scholar and devise your own research program.   Graduate School Is a Job Approach grad school as a full-time job; its not school in the undergraduate sense. If you soared through college with little studying, youre in for a big culture shock as a grad student The reading lists will be longer and more extensive than youve encountered in college. More importantly, youll be expected to read and be prepared to critically evaluate and discuss it all. Most grad programs require that you take initiative for your learning and demonstrate a commitment to your career. Graduate School Is a Socializing Agent Why is graduate school so different from undergrad? Graduate training teaches you the information and skills that you need to be a professional. However, being a professional requires more than coursework and experiences. In graduate school, you will be socialized into your profession. In other words, you will learn the norms and values of your field. Relationships with faculty members and other students are important to your career, and youll make them in grad school. Most importantly, you will learn to think like a professional in your field. Graduate school shapes the mind and leads students to think in new ways. You will learn to think like a professional in your field, whether a scientist, historian, educator, philosopher or practitioner. It truly prepares you to immerse yourself in a specific field - especially if you choose to become an academic professional in the long run.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Bookstore v. Amazon
The Bookstore v. Amazon There are readers who like bookstores and readers who prefer Amazon. Pitting them against each other is like telling people they ought to like Coca Cola over Pepsi. They have their reasons, and you wont change them. Most of the time. â€Å"If the bookshops are good enough, if the relationship with your customers is truly there, if your booksellers are enjoying themselves and you’ve trained them and you’ve respected them and you’ve allowed them to develop their skills†¦ then our customers truly will remain loyal to us.†~James Daunt, managing director of Waterstones, at the 2017 Australian Booksellers Association’s annual conference in Melbourne But sometimes bookstore employees forget. Sometimes they let their personal feelings float to the surface, and therein lies a key reason people go to Amazon versus a bookstore . . . to purchase a book of choice in a nonjudgmental atmosphere. They want to feel the store is benign, much like a doctor who treats anyone, regardless of who they are or what disease they have. Take away that safe feeling , and both a bookstore and a doctor loses credibility . . . and business. I love the blog, The Passive Voice. Recently, PG (the blogger) wrote about a bookstore worker who struggled with store visitors when they asked about or purchased books that the worker did not believe in. PG mentioned in the end that readers prefer a judgment-free zone like Amazon over a meatspace retail with a side of attitude. I would like to take bookstore consideration one step further. How does a bookstore treat an author? Whether a fledgling indie author or a New York Times best selling author ten times over, the human is still there. And any writer is a rabid reader, with word-of-mouth power. And a small-time local author will tout that small-town indie bookstore much louder than that big-town author who flew in and out. Without a doubt, bookstores prefer best-selling authors for sales. But there are ways of delivering the message when a bookstore can only purchase so many books or house so many signings, and a smart bookstore owner would benefit A lot of this attitude concerning bookstores explains a lot. At a bookstore, we find atmosphere and personality . . . but is it the personality you want? At Amazon, we find the widest selection of books and a market that doesnt judge. Bookstore ownerlove everyone who comes in the door and respect their choices. Let them know they are cherished individuals, and youll do anything to make them happy. Theyll love you back, I promise.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Dos and Donts for How to Win at Missing Work
Dos and Donts for How to Win at Missing Work Whether you have some personal days in your arsenal to play hooky or need to scrounge some legitimate reasons to miss work because faking a cold isn’t going to cut it, you can probably get some mileage about of this list of Dos and Don’ts.  DoI’ve earned it.This option requires some prep work and some sweat equity. Come in early and stay late for a few days a week, then by the time you go to your boss with a request for some flex time or a day off you will have earned it. You’ll feel better about the time away, and your coworkers will appreciate you didn’t just leave them in the lurch.I’m [Doing Professional Activity] with a client.This only works if your workplace routinely has to entertain clients or meet with them outside the office. Do not say you are playing golf with a client if you are a publisher and your client is an author or if you are an administrative assistant and your client is Staples. You will also have to actually meet up with a client for some reason!I have a doctor’s appointment.The savvy timing of doctor’s appointments is one of the best, least-arguable routes to a free afternoon for Netflix and snooze. Schedule a check-up or a physical or a cleaning for 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon and you’ll be on your way right after lunch.I have cramps.Honestly I would be way too embarrassed to use this one- and I actually do get bodacious cramps and occasional accompanying migraines. But, if you’ve got an easily flustered male boss and are a female employee with some moxie, this could have you stopping by the drug store for ice cream and some Red Box DVDs before you know it.I’m working from home.My husband is the most honest Work-From-Homer on the planet. He applies all that extra time he saves by not commuting to the work he gets done, and then we both get to knock off together around dinnertime. This requires you to stay near your email for any pressing questions, but wi ll definitely carve the edges of your work day when you need a breather. Noooooo. Just DONT!I’ve had a death in the family.My students are still trying this one occasionally, along with car accidents, family engagement parties that ran late, and last-minute flights back from Australia. Clichà ©s are clichà © and there’s no going back.I’m too sleepy.At my first job out of school we had an intern who fell asleep at his desk every day for at least an hour. It was baffling. It was distracting. His internship did not last longer than a month. If you can’t get enough sleep, definitely get enough caffeine.I can’t get my car out of the garage. (See also: The L train isn’t running.)Getting your car out, or taking the L, is something you have to do often enough to know how long it takes (or how to work around any common delays or obstacles).I can’t find my polling place.Apparently this is a real thing that happened and not just a sit-in pr otest for a national election holiday. Find out where you have to vote ahead of time; taking a whole day to do it is weird.I have a personal emergency.This nonspecific all-purpose band-aid for just not wanting to go to work doesn’t score you any points or make you look responsible. I know someone who uses â€Å"plumbing emergency†every month or so just so he can go in late. It’s fine if you actually have terrible plumbing (or a real emergency you can appropriately disclose later).Whatever you do or say to get the mental health days you need, don’t lie to get it, and be responsive to your coworkers when you can! I hope you and your snooze-button will be very happy together.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Graffiti Art, Mural Art and Banksy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Graffiti Art, Mural Art and Banksy - Essay Example Graffiti is said to be street offshoots of murals, and are commonly called urban or street art, or street subversions. Majority of graffiti are only tagging, where only words or messages are inscribed, shouting to the public the artist’s pent-up emotions and discontentment, and are executed on walls of areas where heavy, constant human traffic is present like underground subway stations, earning graffiti another name, underground art. Underground, which refer to its under-the-surface location, and underground, which pertains to the very nature of its being illegal. Its legal counterpart, murals, has historical and artistic value and has existed since time immemorial. There have been discoveries of pre-historic paintings and carvings in caves, and in tombs of ancient royalties commemorating their lives and their reign. In Europe, old churches sport magnificent frescoes which are believed to date as far back as the 15th century. It was only in the 1920s, when murals began to be commissioned for public buildings in Mexico, that murals became public, and have become outlets for socio-economic realism and community concerns. Three leading Mexican muralists namely Diego Rivera, David Alfonso Siquieros and Jose Clemente Orosco, popularly and collectively called â€Å"Los Tres Grandes†or The Three Greats have been credited with greatly influencing the works of other muralists in the Mission District, San Francisco Area, the central hub of Latinos doing graffiti works. Graffiti became the underground vogue.... Graffiti is said to be street offshoots of murals, and are commonly called urban or street art, or street subversions. Majority of graffiti are only tagging, where only words or messages are inscribed, shouting to the public the artist’s pent-up emotions and discontentment, and are executed on walls of areas where heavy, constant human traffic is present like underground subway stations, earning graffiti another name, underground art. Underground, which refer to its under-the-surface location, and underground, which pertains to the very nature of its being illegal. Its legal counterpart, murals, has historical and artistic value and has existed since time immemorial. There have been discoveries of pre-historic paintings and carvings in caves, and in tombs of ancient royalties commemorating their lives and their reign. In Europe, old churches sport magnificent frescoes which are believed to date as far back as the 15th century. It was only in the 1920s, when murals began to be commissioned for public buildings in Mexico, that murals became public, and have become outlets for socio-economic realism and community concerns. Three leading Mexican muralists namely Diego Rivera, David Alfonso Siquieros and Jose Clemente Orosco, popularly and collectively called â€Å"Los Tres Grandes†or The Three Greats have been credited with greatly influencing the works of other muralists in the Mission District, San Francisco Area, the central hub of Latinos doing graffiti works (Drescher). Graffiti became the underground vogue during the hip-hop generations of the 80s and the 90s, although graffiti artists’ tagging deeds have been
Friday, October 18, 2019
CROSS CULTURAL ENCOUNTER PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
CROSS CULTURAL ENCOUNTER PROJECT - Essay Example This helped us develop our friendship and learn more about each other’s culture. We discovered that we both love sports and enjoyed watching international football games among the teams that we support. We also found out that we enjoy playing football as we both played it in junior and secondary schools. We spent a lot of time playing various video games at the local village arcade and in our apartments. Our friendship was enhanced by the fact that we are both international students who share a similar history and similar dreams and ambitions. In addition to, we dined together on numerous occasions and got to enjoy traditional meals that taught us more on our cultures. While I am Muslim, Patrick is Christian and this has not stopped us from learning more about each other’s religions and cultures. For instance, he joined me for Jumma (Friday prayers) in a Mosque in Arlington, Virginia (House 55). I attended a Sunday service with him where he celebrated ‘Palm Sunday ’. I learnt that the difference between the two religions is not so pronounced as they both focus on preaching a positive message to its followers. We have visited various exhibitions that show case different cultures and we have learnt so much about our rich cultures and familiarized ourselves with our mutual heritage. Patrick and I share numerous mutual friends hence we spend a lot of time together. It surprises a lot of people that a Muslim and a Christian can share such a close friendships, we have a lot in common, than what meets the eye. Although Patrick has spent most of his years in the United States, he is interested in learning more about the Asian culture and the language skills by visiting the Asian region. Patrick intends to go back to Indonesia after completing his studies and constantly visits his family back his home country. This shows the level of dedication that Patrick has towards learning more about the Indonesian culture. Identified Differences. In spite of a close friendship, there are various clear differences between us. To begin with, there is a huge age gap between us as Patrick is 27 years while I am 22 years. Patrick has lived in the United States for 15 years while I have been in here for three years. Patrick described his family as originating from Indonesia where his paternal and maternal ancestors originated. While Bahasa Indonesia is widely spoken in Indonesia, Patrick and his sibling speak English fluently having lived in the US for fifteen years. On the other hand, my family comes from Saudi Arabia while some members of my family live in Syria and Egypt. I am fluent in both Arabic and English and therefore there are no communication barriers between us. We eat a variety of foods in our homes including rice, sushi, pasta and various types of meat apart from pork. This is because I am Moslem. Patrick is Christian and Indonesian and they have no reservations when it comes to different types of food. Patrick’s fami ly owns a food processing company that specializes in processing high quality rice that is sold across the country. The business’ performance has been exemplary over the years and the plans to expand its activities in the Asian market in future. My family owns a Textile industry in Saudi Arabia and is planning to open new branches in Dubai and Qatar. This shows that our families are involved in different lines of business. Our cultures define the size of our families. I come from a family of six children that is
Strategic Management Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic Management Process - Essay Example The major contribution of performance management is its focus on achieving results - making use of the best tools to success and useful products and services for customers inside and outside the organization. In other words, performance management is not just being busy, but it is of how much of the work is effective in achieving the goals of the organization. Today, organizations have goals, plans and resource management. In order to achieve specific goals of an organization, it is essential that they need to have strategic management. Recently, organizations have been faced with challenges like never before and those organizations which utilize strategic management practices are generally more effective than those who do not. Further, this increasing competition from businesses across the world has meant that all businesses must be much more careful about the choice of strategies to remain competitive. Therefore, small and large organizations put more focus on effectiveness to put systems and processes in the right way to the right things to achieve the predetermined results. This is the only way to claim that the organization and its various parts are really performing (McNamara n.pag, 1997). In simple terms strategic management is the process of specifying an organization's aims and objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve it, and allocating resources so as to implement the plans. Strategic management is the highest level of managerial activity, which is generally performed by the top leaders of an organization. It provides an overall direction to the whole organization, leading them all to achieve a set goal/s. An organization's strategy must be best suited for its resources, circumstances, and to achieve its objectives. The process involves matching the company's strategic advantages to the business environment the organization faces. Training each and every individual to perform the individual targets is also am important step in this process. In general the goal of corporate strategy is to put the organization into a position to carry out its mission effectively and efficiently. Hence a good corporate strategy should combine an organization's goals, poli cies, and action into a complete package of success (Wikipedia n.pag, 2007). In general a corporate strategy can be described as an organizations sense of purpose - a guiding purpose or policy, or it can also be a focused mission statement, or even a philosophy, for the achievement of an objective. It is the mapping out of future directions that need to be adopted using the resources possessed. The study of corporate strategy is a relatively recent phenomenon. Edith Penrose (1959) was one of the pioneers in academics to argue that what happened inside the firm was just as important as the marketplace outside the firm. Till then the main focus of economics had been upon the marketplace outside the firm, with a detailed consideration of market demand and supply issues. Penrose argued that the growth of the firm was related to its use of resources, its past history and its evolution over time; previous history was a key influence on future development. The US strategist Alfred Chandler (1962) also published a substantial study regarding the growth of the firm. H e argued, in support of Penrose, that the development of an organization over time is an essential element in understanding strategy. The implementation
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Interesting Excellent topic related to Race in Research and Health Essay
Interesting Excellent topic related to Race in Research and Health care as summarized in reading Articles - Essay Example article, ‘The conceptualization and operationalization of race and ethnicity by health services researchers’ by Susan Moscou, the main focus is on the racial and ethnic variables. It is stated by the author that in the health services research industry, these two variables are the most common terms that are used and experienced by individuals (Moscou, 2008). It was revealed that race and ethnicity illustrated different meanings as both the terms were not operationalized. For this reason, the results showed that the subtext was unclear. Since the sample was from different geographical regions, therefore, the meaning of race and ethnicity in healthcare and research was different to the majority of them (Moscou, 2008). It should be noted that despite of the fact that all the participants had different perspectives and understandings of race and ethnicity, however majority of them believed that the race and ethnicity was a major cause of discrimination, marginalization, socio-economic disparity, etc. in healthcare and research. Similarly, race and ethnicity were also considered as genuine elements that have a major contribution regarding racial discrimination in the society, particularly the healthcare industry. Thus, the article concluded that the race and ethnicity do have negative impacts on the research and healthcare industry in a variety of ways. However, the work done by the author require further studies and advanced researches on the same subject so that the topic is analyzed deeply and in a much brief manner (Moscou, 2008). In the article ‘Racism in the Examination Room: Myths, Realities, and Consequences’ author Jeanette E. South-Paul has emphasized on the fact that the element of race does not have a good social history. To support her argument she has also referenced a few other articles that have also discussed the same idea. For example the article ‘Family medicine’ by Anderson, the core idea is similar to that that Jeanette’s
Quality Safety And Cost As It Affects Nursing Essay
Quality Safety And Cost As It Affects Nursing - Essay Example Organizations that have been able to reorganize care delivery to be centered around the patient (where the responsibility of offering care is arranged around what the patients want and needs, as opposed to around the convenience of the organization together with its clinicians and staff) are accomplishing success in enhancing both efficiency and safety, and reducing cost. These organizations also realize that the loyalty of their workforce is rising, and their general organizational performance increases, with profitability benefits. I would demonstrate the importance of nurses in providing patient-centered care. It is important for the director and staff to realize that there should be a healthy clinical relationship between the nurses and patients. These relationships communicate caring, together with the emotional and social responsibilities of delivering care. This way the director and the staff can realize that nursing care can affect the quality of care and patient safety and t he cost. I recommend that social interactions between the nurses and patients are central to patient care should not recede with the advancement of technology. Emotional and social tasks of providing care should never take a back seat to the administrative and biomedical tasks of providing care. The potential nurse-patient relationship to improve the safety and cost-effectiveness of care delivery should never be overlooked in the discussions regarding the way to reform the health care system.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Interesting Excellent topic related to Race in Research and Health Essay
Interesting Excellent topic related to Race in Research and Health care as summarized in reading Articles - Essay Example article, ‘The conceptualization and operationalization of race and ethnicity by health services researchers’ by Susan Moscou, the main focus is on the racial and ethnic variables. It is stated by the author that in the health services research industry, these two variables are the most common terms that are used and experienced by individuals (Moscou, 2008). It was revealed that race and ethnicity illustrated different meanings as both the terms were not operationalized. For this reason, the results showed that the subtext was unclear. Since the sample was from different geographical regions, therefore, the meaning of race and ethnicity in healthcare and research was different to the majority of them (Moscou, 2008). It should be noted that despite of the fact that all the participants had different perspectives and understandings of race and ethnicity, however majority of them believed that the race and ethnicity was a major cause of discrimination, marginalization, socio-economic disparity, etc. in healthcare and research. Similarly, race and ethnicity were also considered as genuine elements that have a major contribution regarding racial discrimination in the society, particularly the healthcare industry. Thus, the article concluded that the race and ethnicity do have negative impacts on the research and healthcare industry in a variety of ways. However, the work done by the author require further studies and advanced researches on the same subject so that the topic is analyzed deeply and in a much brief manner (Moscou, 2008). In the article ‘Racism in the Examination Room: Myths, Realities, and Consequences’ author Jeanette E. South-Paul has emphasized on the fact that the element of race does not have a good social history. To support her argument she has also referenced a few other articles that have also discussed the same idea. For example the article ‘Family medicine’ by Anderson, the core idea is similar to that that Jeanette’s
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Management Risks in Financial Institutions Essay
Management Risks in Financial Institutions - Essay Example Basically, risk and return are related in the same direction. A minor example of this would be a bank charging different interest rates on different individuals who have opted for the same loan. The individual who has a relatively poor credit history is likely to receive a higher interest rate as there are chances of him/her not paying the loan bank. Therefore, there is a higher risk and the bank gets a higher return through the higher interest rate charged. However, risk needs to be managed and there can be several huge losses if the financial institution is not ready to deal with it. Risk management is a type of strategy which every financial institution needs to have at its core and there are several parts involved in this including monitoring the risks, measuring these risks and controlling risks. It is the analysis of risk mixed with the element of quality risk controls. Risk management is required by banks and financial institutions as a safety measure to protect the institutio n from any major financial problems. The uncertainty and the potential inherent risks that come with the financial markets makes it important for most of the financial institutions and banks to use risk management. The risk management controls are one of the major determinants of the financial stability of a bank. The most common types of risks faced by most financial institutions There are several types of risks involved with financial institutions and these risks are as follows: Systematic risk. This is also known as diversifiable risk. Basically this particular type of risk means the risk of the change of asset value associated with systematic factors. Therefore, the risk cannot be fully diversified. There are several subcategories under systematic risks and there are various ways in which the value of an asset can be affected. The determinant of the change in the value of the assets owned by the institution and it depends upon natural and economic factors including interest rate s affecting the value of the assets, an increase in inflation might cause an increase in fuel prices which might affect transportation and stock value and changes in economic conditions which may cause several changes in the value of assets. Interest rate risk is one of the major parts of systematic risk and the institutions needs to measure the variation and the responsiveness of the rate sensitive assets towards the changes in interest rates. Commodity price risk and foreign exchange risk are other risks which come under systematic risks that many investors try to measure and try to minimize these. Credit risk. This is the risk which is related to the payment by the debtors. Credit risk is the risk which all the banks face and they need to manage this in order to be proactive against any future losses. Basically the bank is the lender and is the creditor for the borrower and the risk is that the borrower might go bankrupt and might not be able to pay the bank back. This seems as a pretty low type of risk if a sole individual is involved, however, credit risk also involves borrowings worth millions of dollars by huge businesses. Even if the business is popular and has a good credit history, it can go bankrupt which might result in a loss of millions of dollars to the bank. In other words, it means that the company or the individual defaults which is why this risk is also known as default risk. Counterparty risk. This arises from the
Branches of Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Branches of Philosophy Essay In order to narrow the aims of discussion philosophy was broken into branches. Traditionally philosophy has been broken into four main branches; however we would like to add a fifth branch in our text -Epistemology Epistemology, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech) is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge and love. -Metaphysics Metaphysics (derived from the Greek words ta meta ta physika biblia) meaning the book that follows the physics book. It was the way students referred to a specific book in the works of Aristotle, and it was a book on First Philosophy. (The assumption that the word means beyond physics is misleading) Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of first principles and being (ontology). In other words, Metaphysics is the study of the most general aspects of reality, such as substance, identity, the nature of the mind, and free will. In other way is a study of nature and the nature of the world in which man lives -Logic Logic (from Classical Greek (logos), originally meaning the word, or what is spoken, but coming to mean thought or reason) is most often said to be the study of arguments, although the exact definition of logic is a matter of controversy amongst philosophers (see below). However the subject is grounded, the task of the logician is the same: to advance an account of valid and fallacious inference to allow one to distinguish good from bad arguments. -Ethics Ethics is a general term for what is often described as the science (study) of morality. In philosophy, ethical behavior is that which is good or right. The Western tradition of ethics is sometimes called moral philosophy. Other Branches Philosophy of Education: Fairly self-explanatory. A minor branch, mainly concerned with what is the correct way to educate a person. Classic works include Platos Republic, Lockes Thoughts Concerning Education, and Rousseaus Emile. Philosophy of History: Fairly minor branch (not as minor as education), although highly important to Hegel and those who followed him, most notably Marx. It is the philosophical study of history, particularly concerned with the question whether history (i. e.the universe and/or humankind) is progressing towards a specific end? Hegel argued that it was, as did Marx. Classic works include Vicos New Science, and Hegel and Marxs works. Philosophy of Language: Ancient branch of philosophy which gained prominence in the last century under Wittgenstein. Basically concerned with how our languages affect our thought. Wittgenstein famously asserted that the limits of our languages mark the limits of our thought. Classic works include Platos Cratylus, Lockes Essay, and Wittgensteins Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Philosophy of Law: Also called Jurisprudence. Study of law attempting to discern what the best laws might be, how laws came into being in the first place, attempting to delimit human laws from natural laws, whether we should always obey the law, and so on. Law isnt often directly dealt with by philosophers, but much of political philosophy obviously has a bearing on it. Philosophy of Mathematics: Concerned with issues such as, the nature of the axioms and symbols (numbers, triangle, operands) of mathematics that we use to understand the world, do perfect mathematical forms exist in the real world, and so on. Principia Mathematica is almost certainly the most important work in this field. Philosophy of Mind: Study of the mind, attempting to ascertain exactly what the mind is, how it interacts with our body, do other minds exist, how does it work, and so on. Probably the most popular branch of philosophy right now, it has expanded to include issues of AI. Classic works include Platos Republic and Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations, although every major philosopher has had some opinion at least on what the mind is and how it works. Philosophy of Politics: Closely related to ethics, this is a study of government and nations, particularly how they came about, what makes good governments, what obligations citizens have towards their government, and so on. Classic works include Platos Republic, Hobbes Leviathan, Lockes Two Treatises, and J. S. Mills On Liberty. Philosophy of Religion: Theology is concerned with the study of God, recommending the best religious practises, how our religion should shape our life, and so on. Philosophy of religion is concerned with much the same issues, but where Theology uses religious works, like the Bible, as its authority, philosophy likes to use reason as the ultimate authority. Philosophy of Science: Study of science concerned with whether scientific knowledge can be said to be certain, how we obtain it, can science really explain everything, does causation really exist, can every event in the universe be described in terms of physics and so on. Also popular in recent times, classic works include Humes Treatise on Human Nature, Kripkes Naming and Necessity, Kuhns Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Empiricism is a philosophical idea based on the idea that all reliable knowledge about the world is gained in the process of experience. Famous empiricists were Hume, Locke and Berkley, basing themselves on ideas already postulated by Aristotle, that we are born with the Tabula Rasa which receives throughout our lives information on which it can base all thinking and knowing. The movement of empiricism was in part a countermovement to what Descartes and Spinoza had proposed as rationalism. Knowledge derived from experience is called a posteriori. - Doing Philosophy Many fields can be studied and learned without ever actually working with the tools in the field. For instance, chemistry can be learned in depth without ever picking up a test tube or mixing ionic compounds. Philosophy, however, is more about the methodology behind deriving answers than it is about the answers themselves. As such, students studying philosophy must use the methodology of philosophy on the philosophy they are learning as they are learning it. Doing philosophy involves asking the right questions, critically examining the work of previous philosophers, truly understanding the works and the reasoning behind the works, and possibly building on the works of previous philosophers by expanding or testing this methodology.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Why Women Should Dress Modestly English Language Essay
Why Women Should Dress Modestly English Language Essay This assignment makes me learn more about the main reasons of why women should dress modestly. In another way, I also learn about writing skill and skills to do research. It also help student in doing research and analysis effectively. Student can learn more depth knowledge from this English assignment. When I do this assignment I know that many women should not dress immodestly. Women wear immodestly will spoil themselves and also the society. If women do not wear modestly, they will cause people to rape them. Other than that, this assignment let me know that reasons of divorce and also let me know that implications of divorce. The reason of divorce is because of the misunderstanding in a relationship in the two person relationship which can also spoil the relationship of the two individual in fact. There are also many implications that can cause the two individual to get involved in the divorce problem. It can also sharpen my thinking skills where the research can also helps me to improve my writing method and skills.. In this research I understand more about the reason of why people divorce and the ways to overcome them.All these are important to improve my knowledge on language, grammar and also the general knowledge. Table Contents page Introduction Women nowadays like to dress immodestly because they think that they should show their body to the others so that people can look at what they can expose especially in the western countries. Some lady from western countries wear immodest apparel but in some eastern countries they do not wear immodest apparel. In the western countries, they never limit how they can wear. On the other hand, women who are wears not modestly can cause a lot of problems to themselves,the society and country. They would just dont care what they wear as long as they are happy, sexy even if it is not comfortable to them. There are also some things all parties can do to overcome this problem. If women dont wear modestly as this will never bring any advantages to them. They should always think of the effects that may cause to them before they think of what they should wear. It is very important for a woman to know what they wear and how they should present themselves to avoid crime cases from happening. They should think in many ways on how they dress can influence their performance and also the image of them.They will need to dress modestly in order to have them not involved in the issues of the country. 2.0 Reasons Women Should Dress Modestly 2.1.1Safety Women can attract rapist and murderer to get near them when they dont dress modestly. They might be in danger because anytime anywhere they might meet the rapist. To stay safe is better for them to dress modestly and for this reason they should know what they should know how to dress to protect themselves. Many of them dont know how to dress modestly and showing too much of their body until they are in danger. They think that they are sexy and they will never care of what others think. What they want to wear they just think and just do it straight away. 2.1.2 Professionalism Maybe some woman may think that they are dressing sexy to present themselves but actually they are wrong. If they dont dress modestly people will have negative thoughts about them and also they will think that they dont know how to dress properly.The way people look at them is very important because this might also relate to the image of the women.People might think that they are prostitutes or doing something not legal. Furthermore, this is important for women who walk on street as there are many people can look at how they dress.They should dress decently to show that they have good moral attitudes. 2.1.4 Staying warm Woman need to dress modestly to cover and protect their body from danger . When they dress modestly they will feel warm and they can avoid from getting molested or sunburn .They should dress modestly to keep their body warm and to show people out there that they cant they are able to protect their body not only to their religion for example muslim wear tudung to cover their neck and they are able to cover their body properly.They should dress because their religion beliefs stated that they will need to cover their body and not to show them to the men. 2.1.5 Setting a good example for others All the young adults follow the way to dress from what they see. When women dress modestly they can show to the young people that this is dressing modestly and that the young people will follow the way the adults dress. Although there are still many people who dont dress modestly when they are on the street. This will bring a very bad image to some citizens with different culture and beliefs. A good example will lead the future generation of people to the right direction and to do the right thing that is to dress modestly. 2.1.6 Respect Women have to dress decently so that people who sees them will respect them as they know how to dress. This is a good thing for them to learn what dressing modestly is all about . On the other hand , this can also bring develop moral behaviors of all the young people. They can just wear modestly when they go out so that people will give respect to them as they are dressing modestly. They will directly get respect because of the clothes as the first thing they wil look at is how the women dress.if they do not dress properly they will gossip about the way they dress. 2.2 Ways to overcome immodest dressing 2.2.1 Talks and campaigns The lifestyle club can organize more talks and campaigns to create awareness to the women on the dangers of dressing not modestly. They can educate them with the correct way of dressing and provide them ideas of what dressing modestly is all about and the importance of dressing modestly when they go out..They can also organize talks in the schools so that they can learn how to dress modestly at an early stage Show them the statistics of crime rate to them from the causes of not dressing modestly. 2.2.2 Rules Government should set rules that to require women to dress modestly. They must limit the type of shirt that they can wear and not let them to wear whatever they want although it is their choice. The government must also fine and give summons to those women who dont dress modestly as this will benefits them and can reduce the rate of cases in the country.As strict as possible they need to set rules on what they can wear which are suitable. They must make them to obey to the rules and follow what they stated to wear. 2.2.3 Parents Parents is very important as parents are the one who buys clothes for them .They ask their children to buy shirts that will never expose their body and look nice. They should avoid their children from buying clothes that will show their body. This is an important role of the parents. When they do this, their children will dress more modestly and people will have a positive thinking as when women dont dress modestly the first one people will say is their parents. The moral education from their parents to their children.Parents should not let their children to buy or dress too sexy. 2.3 Conclusion As a conclusion, dressing modestly can bring benefits to the women as they can be safe, warm and also the image of themselves to the others.These are important as they can avoid many crime cases from happening.There are many ways to overcome the problem which include organizing talks, roadshows and campaigns in schools and to the public. Other than that, they can also dress modestly for their own sake.The image of them is very important which can gain respect of the perspective of how people look at them.Dressing modestly is important to keep the good image of the organization, society, the individual and the country. 3.0 Introduction to divorce The first thing to know about divorce is that it is common and nothing to be ashamed of. According to recent statistics, the rate of divorce in the United States (0.40%) is approximately half the rate of marriage (0.78%). To maintain a perfect relationship, there should be no problem in a relationship.There must be enough understanding between both of them in a couple. This is very important where this became one of the factors that will make divorce happens. Divorce can also happen from many factors which will be discussed in this research report.The rate of divorce is increasing significantly. There are also effect of divorce to many people. 3.1 Reason of divorce 3.1.1 Lack of time Partners might not have time to settle problems in the family as there are too many problems in a family which involves the couple to figure out They might be too busy of their work and they dont have enough time to sit down to clear all the problems. They should spend more time on this to figure out the family problems that occur. 3.1.2 Difference in cultural backgrounds At the beginning, the stark differences in families and friends, and different religious beliefs may seem cute and worth a petty fight. But all it takes is a few months of suppressed ideas and opposing thoughts to wreak havoc in a marriage.Some couples might get different partner from different culture and they just could not understand each other.It is very hard for them to communicate with each other and causes the argue of the couple 3.1.3 Dont understand what each other needs or wants They might not understand each other and at the end they will think that they are not suitable for each other and ended up divorce .This will seriously ruin this relationship. Besides that, sometimes the man cannot give what the woman want for example the money that the womanwants and the man cannot provide her with the enough money.l 3.1.4 Trust Trust is very important between two person in the relationship, do you really trust your spouse? Do you find their behavior suspicious, especially when theyre talking to a friend over the phone? Trust is an important pillar in marriage. If you cant trust your spouse, you definitely cant survive the marriage. 3.1.5 Money Money always has a way of making life better or making life worse. There are only two extremes and no middle ground with money. Are you dissatisfied with your spouses earnings or monetary investment towards the marriage in any manner? This may start off as a nagging thought to begin with, but unless you discuss this with your spouse, you could be heading down the road of divorce over time. 3.1.6 Extra relationship A third party in a relationship will cause divorce. This will happen mostly in men as men will easily get another partner when they feel happy with the new partner. For example when they argue with their wives they will think that they will go to get another one to accompany them. 3.2 Implications of divorce 3.2.1 Children as Victims Most couples normally have children when they get marriage. Accordingly, divorces can directly effect on children. Children living in single parent families are more probably to get pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have aggressively emotional and behavioural problems, which lead to social problems. Some children decide to go out of their home when their parents separate each other, and subsequently they become homeless children. They do not have good opportunities to find a job due to shortage of education. Consequently, crime may likely be the end result. These are significantly negative effects of recent expansion in divorce rates. 3.2.3 Effect to our nation People will think that the marriage in our country is just for fun and people can marry and divorce anytime they like.In fact the government should set some rules that people can only marry for 2 times. People will think that people in our country are not loyal to love. They love to remarry and get new partner.People will talk bad about our country because the case keep on increasing. 3.2.4 Effect to the society The society will have many crisis because the many issues will appear since there is many people who will become orphan and the will be many criminal will happen. In another way, they will also affect the people in the society.Hence this might affect the whole society because divorce is not a good thing in a relationship.This issue might increase more and more in the future.Many people will suicide when the parents divorce and they think that they have nobody to be trusted. They think that the family is destroyed when their parents divorced. 4.0 Conclusion The rate of divorce is increasing like nobody business. Besides that, this is not a good thing because this will spoil the image of the behavior, attitude and the moral education of the country saying that this is not a good thing. Furthermore, the divorce rate also caused by the people around the country where people like to divorce as they like.Divorce may also caused by the lack of time to understand each other, the level of them understanding each other, financial matters that cause their family couldnt afford their life expenses, the third party which can cause the relationship to end. Divorce may also cause the children to suffer because they will become orphans.Besides that, this will also make the society criminal rate to increase as there many people will do bad things because their parents divorced and no one can teach them about the moral behavior.This will bring a very bad image of a society and country as the image is so important.The way people look at the particular co untry will be very different. Apendix Divorce rate statistics
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Rosa Parks :: essays research papers
Rosa Parks On December l, 1955, Rosa Parks got on the bus because she was feeling tired after a long day at work. She was sitting in the middle of the bus, which she wasn’t allowed to do. After a while a white man got on the bus and told her that her and some other people to get up because the white part of the bus was full. All the Black people except for her moved to the back of the bus but her, she refused to get up. When this happened the white bus driver threatened to call the police unless she gave up her seat, but she said no and "Go ahead and call them". When the police got there, the driver was very mad and then the police asked the driver if he wanted Mrs. Parks to be arrested or let go with a warning, he said he wanted her to be arrested arrest. Many Black had been arrested for this crime but Mrs. Park was well known in her community because she was once a secretary for the president of the NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People). She was al lowed to make one phone call. She called a NAACP lawyer, The lawyer got her release through bail. Just because of this one time that a black woman stood up to society she started the civil rights movement, which got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which made sure that â€Å"All black Americans must be given equal treatment with whites under the law.†It was an "established rule" in the American south (at that time) that African-American riders had to sit at the back of the bus. African-American riders were also expected to surrender their seat to a white bus rider if it was needed. (Levenglick, p1) Mrs. Parks had been called as "the mother of the civil rights movement". Since the boycott had been started she was getting threats, which caused her husband to have a nervous breakdown, and in 1957 they both moved to Detroit, where one of Mrs. Parks's brother lived. The bus boycott When people heard that Mrs. Parks had been arrested the Women's Political Council d ecided to protest her treatment by organizing a boycott of the buses.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Speech Outline
Thesis Statement: If people knew the beneficial effects of music it may help them succeed. Body: I. How does listening to music help you succeed? A. Depending on the type of music you listen to it could help improve your moo d. It can bring a â€Å"more positive mind set', which helps with the reduction of stress, which essentially can improve your I immune system. Transition: How music can decrease stress â€Å"Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies†¦Music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lower Eng blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. †according to Psych Central. B. It is said that classical music is what you should listen to but researchers say t at you can listen to any music for a stress reliever. â€Å"We think the pleasant State that can be induced by music leads to special pH histological changes which eventually lead to stress reduc tion or direct immune enhancement. Said Dry. Irony En, Dry. En lead recent research about music's effect on the immune system. I. So, if you're feeling stressed listen to your favorite music. Transition: Reducing stress will help you from getting sick. L. Stress hormones are likely to leave the body and Mucilaginous A is increase De when listening to music A. â€Å"Scientists found that after volunteers had listened to just 50 minutes of uplift Eng dance music, the levels of antibodies in their bodies increased.They also found that stress hormone levels, which c an weaken the immune system, decreased after being exposed to the music. The scientists tested 300 people, asking the m to listen to the dance music or to a random collection of tones. †Transition: Music will help you remember stuff. Music can help you remember important things, and help you study for a test It has been said, â€Å"Research has shown that music with a strong beat can stir elate brain waves to resona te in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thin inning†.II. At the University of California at Irvine researchers had students study for a et SST without listening to music and then take the test. Then had students study for another test while listening to music c, they then took the test the second time. The outcome was that when the students listened to music the test scores we re higher from when they studied without music. After this study they began to name this the â€Å"Mozart Effect†. Psych Cent trial. Conclusion: People should listen to music if they are feeling sick, stressed out, or want to f Ochs on something.
Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream†and Abraham lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address†Essay
Of the great oral presentations this world has seen, many of them serve as an outlet for individuals to articulate their ideals and beliefs to a greater audience. The way in which great speakers such as Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln do this is through speech elements such as rhetoric, language techniques, successful structure and also establishing a relationship with their audience. The speeches I have a Dream, and The Gettysburg Address [], although performed to entirely different audiences in different contexts, share similar values and qualities. In order to gain a complete understanding of the distinctive qualities of the speeches we must first look at the context in which they were written. On August the 28th 1963, Martin Luther King Jr stood before a congregation of over 200,000 people in front of the Lincoln Memorial. It was on this day that King delivered his testimony to mankind in an effort to end black segregation within America. Despite strong opposition from the Kennedy Administration, King and his contemporaries continued with the civil rights march. Standing on the same spot as Lincoln did five score years ago, King preached similar themes of justice, equality and freedom for man. Lincolns speech came as a eulogy to those lost at the battle of Gettysburg. At the time America was at civil war and the restless crowd was desperate for inspiration from their President. He was speaking last to a crowd of 15-20,000 Northerners to honour the dead and encourage them to keep fighting the war. The context of each address has a profound impact upon their purpose and qualities. One distinct quality of Lincolns speech is that it was structured chronologically with each of the three separate paragraphs entailing the past, present and future. The lengths of the paragraphs can also be noted as a distinct quality of the Gettysburg Address, the first paragraph is quite small followed by progressive lengthening of the second and final paragraph. This is an instrument used by Lincoln to build up his audiences attention to the climatic end to his speech where he outlines what is required for the future. This can be compared to Kings structural approach, where he uses a ladder technique to configure his points in order of ascending importance. Once again ending strongly with the line: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last!. Rhetoric is often defined as the art of using language so as to persuade or influence others. From this we can deduce that it is a critical element of any effective speech. Certainly I have a dream and The Gettysburg Address contain powerful rhetoric techniques used to further communicate the ideas of King and Lincoln. Kings speech is based heavily around repetition. He uses this in the lines, One hundred years later, I have a dream and Let freedom ring. All repeated to gain suspense from the audience as well as emphasising his themes of equality and justice. King says them with such authority and power to further drive home the importance of these themes. Using his voice to create a sense of urgency about the issue. King also uses biblical allusion such as Gods Children and Psalm 23: Rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. This reflects his role as a Priest as well as giving evidence of Gods want of justice. The biblical allusions also give a sense of unity amongst the audience. Establishing a rapport with your audience is central to communicating your ideas in a speech, both King and Lincoln do this exceptionally. Using inclusive language such as the words we and us, Lincoln especially is able to establish an equality throughout his audience with the common purpose of freedom and victory. In his eulogy, Lincoln uses the line for those who gave their lives that the nation might live which again utilises the audiences patriotism to articulate his ideas through personification. By referring to both Lincolns Emancipation Declaration and The Declaration of Independence he was able to strongly back up his argument and appeal to the nations Patriotism as well as give historical evidence to the slow progress of equality in America. This would have a great effect on the proud Americans in his audience because a rejection of Kings values would ultimately mean for them a rejection of Americas traditional values. Without proper delivery, these two speeches wouldve been overlooked in value and would not have had the great effect they did. I believe the values implied in both texts justified by both the context and the rhetoric. Upon reaching conclusion, one realises that if not for great speakers and use of rhetoric, the ideas of significant historical figures could not be presented as well, as thus couldnt have the desired effect. Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln were examples of this, men who, by use of manipulation of language and audience, changed the world. Bibliography 2008 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed: 08/06/08-09/06/08.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Gelatin Hairgel
An Investigatory Project Presented to the Faculty of the Laboratory High School MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY – BUUG Datu Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Fourth High School By: GERRICK PAGUIA DHAINA DANE SEIT FERDINAND PABLO DAPHNE NARZABAL GEMMA JOY RUFLO MARCH 2012 Chapter I INTRODUCTION Hair styling products can be expensive and unhealthy, but you can protect your health and your wallet by making some of these products at home. It is possible to avoid the harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and dyes frequently found in store-bought goods.Creating your own hair care products allows you to have complete control over what goes into them. Making hair gel from gelatin is a very straightforward process that requires only a few ingredients. The investigators believe this study provides evidence that if you are looking for natural hair gel that will not only keep your hair looking beautiful but also save you money and also to prove that ther e are safer alternative hair gel. One of the ingredients is gelatin which is a natural product that comes from collagen, the group of proteins found in the kin, connective tissue and bones of mammals. You’re probably familiar with gelatin as a quick-setting dessert, although it’s also used to make certain confections, like marshmallows. In order to be considered food-grade for humans gelatin must undergo hydrolysis, which is a chemical reaction in which water molecules are split into hydrogen molecules. This breaks down the collagen bonds in the material so that they can be reordered when heated and cooled. When introduced to water, gelatin forms a colloid gel, which means its molecular components are evenly dispersed through the mixture.This is what gives gelatin desserts their texture and form. The investigators want to prove that gelatin is able to serve as an effective and safe alternative to commercial hair gel. Statement of the Study The primary aim of this study is to determine how useful does gelatin in making it as a hair gel. To prove that if you are looking for natural hair gel that will not only keep your hair looking beautiful but also save you money and also to prove that there are safer alternative hair gel.Significance of the Study To the people using commercial hair gel, the result of this investigatory will hopefully help them choose the safer alternative hair gel and less expensive hair gel. They will also be guided on how to make this alternative hair gel. This would be the basis for guiding them in our economy. Scope and Limitation This study will be conducted to determine how useful does gelatin in making it as a hair gel. This is only determined on the result of the investigatory. Definition of Terms Gelatin.Is a natural product that comes from collagen, the group of proteins found in the skin, connective tissue and bones of mammals. You’re probably familiar with gelatin as a quick-setting dessert, although itâ€℠¢s also used to make certain confections, like marshmallows. In order to be considered food-grade for humans gelatin must undergo hydrolysis, which is a chemical reaction in which water molecules are split into hydrogen molecules. This breaks down the collagen bonds in the material so that they can be reordered when heated and cooled.Hair Gel. A jelly-like substance applied to the hair before styling in order to retain the shape of the style. Alternative Hair Gel. is a hairstyling product that is used to stiffen hair into a particular hairstyle. The results it produces are usually similar to, but stronger than, those of hair spray and hair wax, and weaker than those of hair glue. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter discusses are reviews literature related to this study. Similar studies, researches and other literature are presented here under.In the study of Becky Mauldin, N. D. (2011), she stated that she have naturally curly hair that needs some type o f hair gel to keep it looking nice and manageable. I had been using very expensive brands of hair gel years ago, not knowing how easy and inexpensive it was to make my own. When I created this recipe I share with you below, I could not believe how easy it was to duplicate those expensive hair products I had been buying all of those years. Although this recipe seems to simplistic, you will be surprised at how effective it is.IngeborgK, Victoria, Permasofty, JKL1234, Lara, CooksterC (2009), said that hair styling products can be expensive and unhealthy, but you can protect your health and your wallet by making some of these products at home. It is possible to avoid the harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and dyes frequently found in store-bought goods. Creating your own hair care products allows you to have complete control over what goes into them. Making hair gel is a very straightforward process that requires only a few ingredients. Sophie Spyrou (2008), states that he recently came across Extra Hold Styling Gel by Method of Style.It cost just $1. 00 for an 1124ml tub of pink hair gel. This product is alcohol free and is meant to offer long lasting hold. And he do not usually use a lot of extra hair products in my hair other than shampoo, conditioner, hair shine and a de-tangling product by Frizz Ease to calm my natural curls and give them a softer, tidier look. I do not apply heat to my hair after I have washed it, as it makes my hair look frizzy and it becomes unmanageable. But when I am feeling like a different hairdo, I sometimes opt for the â€Å"wet look†by using hair gel.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
COURTROOM OBSERVATION AND NARRATIVE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example When I entered the courtroom, the following people were in attendance: the judge, defendant, two of police officers, plaintiff and two attendants. The case was about drugs. I noticed that the judge was using a computer to process information about the court proceedings. In my own opinion, I think it is good to use new information and communication technology such as computers when dealing with such cases since it is easy to process and store information. In other countries, they do not use such technology. I noticed that the judge talked with confidence when she was asking the defendant some questions. She never ignored the defendant and she paid attention to everything he said. The most interesting thing that caught my attention was the way the speaking was organized. When the defendant finished speaking, the judge kept quiet briefly. After that, she started speaking. The process was very efficient. If I compare that with my country, there are clear distinctions. In my country, whic h is Saudi Arabia, there are a lot of loud sounds in court. Sometimes, you do not know who is talking. It looks like chaos. Here, the hall was so quite. No talked randomly. However, I did not really understand the details of the case because it was continued from an earlier hearing. There was some information I had missed. Another thing that I did not understand was that I did not see a defense lawyer representing the defendant. I just saw the plaintiff. When the judge was talking, the defendant received the verdicts quietly. The defendant had some files he was using to research some information to prove his innocence. The judge was giving the defendant enough time to talk and to research by his files. I believe that is fair to give the defendant an opportunity to defend himself. I later understood what the case was about. It was about drugs. The defendant was trying to implore the judge when he said, â€Å"I wanna go back home. I have a
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Critically discuss the reasons why location has again become a Essay - 2
Critically discuss the reasons why location has again become a critical issue in explaining the global competitiveness of firms - Essay Example However, as part of the marketing mix, promotion has historically been most effective in differentiating one company from another in competitive marketplaces. Place, as part of the marketing mix, refers to â€Å"the location at which the activity takes place, or the distribution channel by which the product is made available to consumers†(Haugtvedt, Herr and Kardes, 2008, p.28). As a means to avoid costs, some companies are reverting back to more traditional elements of marketing by focusing on aspects of place in order to differentiate the business from competitors. Further, place is improving competitiveness in global companies because it improves community and consumer relationships, as well as giving businesses a positive identity in local markets with unique cultural values and preferences. This paper discusses the importance of place in securing global business competitiveness. Customers in many different industries and different market environments want extra value when buying products. This seems to be an evolution which has occurred with the growth of competition and the need to offer incentives to customers in order to differentiate the business and make it appear to provide more value than competing firms. In order to provide this value, companies should â€Å"beautify marketing and gain the upper hand with customers†(Brandweek, 2004, p.25). Beautification of marketing refers to aesthetics and incorporating content which provides perceptions of value from target consumers. Appealing to consumer values related to aesthetics is not an easy task through regular advertising and other visual promotions, therefore markets which appreciate the aesthetics of a shopping experience can be exposed to place marketing. For example, companies which offer household goods to consumers might have a business model which supports stand-alone retail stores design ed with more expensive architectural materials, such as marble or
Monday, October 7, 2019
New Business Project by Volkswagen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
New Business Project by Volkswagen - Essay Example As the company announced the recall of nearly 9 million cars, it was estimated that an amount of â‚ ¬ 6.5 billion was required to come up with the costs of the scandal. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the company to come up with a new business project with the changed framework to regain its brand value and market share in the car industry. As the company’s stocks which reflected the market concerns significantly fell down, it became the toughest challenge for the company to bring back their position and win the loyalty of the consumers. 2.1 Force Field Analysis of Volkswagen When Volkswagen was planning for a business change in order to gain back its hard-earned reputation, it is necessary to analyze the major factors forces which will support and hinder such change. In this context, Force Field Analysis is an important decision-making tool that can assist it in making the decision for a change within the business. Such an analysis will serve the purposes of i) deci ding whether to undertake the change after evaluating the factors; ii) of increasing the chance of success of the change by weakening the forces against the change and by strengthening those in support of the change. The new business project or the proposed change by Volkswagen is the brand enhancement. After involvement in the major emissions scandal, what suffered most is the brand appreciation of the company and its perception to the ones who are related to its product i.e. the consumers, suppliers, dealers, employees and the shareholders.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Image analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Image analysis - Essay Example Twitchell suggests that the human condition is one in which we have been inherently materialistic making us susceptible to the images we see. â€Å"We have always been desirous of things. We have just not had many of them until quite recently, and, in a few generations, we may return to having fewer and fewer†(Twitchell 471-472). However, in this material culture, where so many things are mass-produced in a variety of forms and substances, it is helpful to have some sort of guide to help us determine which things should be accorded the highest value and which things are not so great. This is where advertising enters the scene and helps us to define just what is valuable and what kind of meaning or history a particular object might have. It takes advantage of this natural human tendency to want to be comfortable and to have stuff to own, trade, protect or produce. However, despite our desire for increasingly more ‘stuff’, we nevertheless insist on being entertaine d if we are to pay attention to the message or the products it’s associated with. As a result, if advertising is to be effective, it must first appeal to the consumer in an entertaining or meaningful way, such as in the image taken by Peter Knapp in 1971. A basic description of this photograph reveals a greater than expected complicity. Upon first looking at the image, one is able to recognize a very pretty dark-haired girl with somewhat unusual features looking out of the page with an unfocused expression. Her face is heavily made up in what probably is underdone for the 70s generation. Her hair falls below her shoulders with somewhat messy curls gathering on her upper chest, but it does not extend longer than her armpit area. She has rich, peacock blue eye-shadow covering her eyelids which makes her seeming lack of eyebrows more prominent. She also has spots of pink rouge covering her cheeks in a way that looks less
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Undertake project work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Undertake project work - Assignment Example This will exhibit whether the product is a success or a failure within the market. The period for the project will be three months. a period in which the project will research on the market viability, strengths as well as weakness of the product, inclusive of the consumer reception of the new brand within the Indian market. The project follows the right standards of ethics in research. This means that it will consider all the required steps in conducting a research project, such as freedom of choice by participants, respecting the privacy and choice of participants, as well as giving accurate data for use in the analysis phase of the project. The project requires both financial and intellectual assets in order to undertake appropriately. this includes an experienced team of researchers, project managers, marketing professionals, market analysts, as well as adequate financial resources to undertake the entire project work appropriately. This includes money for the research, money for transport, and money to carry out the various analyses necessary to complete the research. Please identify the clients, employees or team responsible for the projects. Here students should outline each person or team’s responsibilities in order to complete the project. The team’s responsibilities should be aligned with the desired outcomes in the project. You may use the table below: The young ones are equally an important market segment of the company. As such, this market segment needs particular attention in order identify its tastes and preferences, trends, as well as other likes that contribute largely to market viability and growth. The teenagers are the most users of soft drinks, especially owing to their fast transformation from children to adulthood. This is the point when many young ones transform in all ways, especially
Friday, October 4, 2019
The Anatomy of Evil Essay Example for Free
The Anatomy of Evil Essay In his Vessels of Evil, Laurence Thomas contends that the insane can do no evil (p. 98). Thomass view about the relationship between evil and insanity is common among laypeople, psychiatrists and philosophers. In this section I consider whether the insane are precluded from evildoing. Part of the problem in assessing the claim that the insane can do no evil, is that it is not always clear to whom we are referring by the term ‘insane’. According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, the insane are people who are in a state of mind that precludes normal perception, behavior, and ordinary social interaction; they are mad, psychotic or mentally ill. However, by ‘insane’ Thomas and others who argue that the insane can do no evil cannot mean anyone with a mental illness (i. e. anyone with a disorder listed in the DSM-IV), for there is no reason to hold that e. g. individuals suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive disorder or from spider phobias cannot do evil. More than likely those who argue that the insane can do no evil mean something closer to the legal notion of insanity according to which the insane are those who, â€Å"at the time of act[ing], . [are] laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act [they are] doing; or if [they do] know it, [they do] not know [they are] doing what [is] wrong†(Clark and Fin, p. 210). This is the content of the famous McNaughtan Rules which have come to dominate the common law on the defense of insanity. However, one problem with the legal notion of insanity is that it is not always clear who is able to ascertain the nature and quality of their actions or to tell that what they are doing is wrong. Also, it isnt clear that the legally insane will always be precluded from evildoing. In what follows I consider the relationship between various mental illnesses, legal insanity and our ability to do evil. I argue that the Desire Account of Evil provides a natural demarcation between those mental illnesses that preclude us from evildoing and those that do not. I contend that the legal notion of insanity is a less accurate guide. People suffering from delusions or psychoses are unable to see the world correctly or to draw reasonable inferences from their perceptions (APA, pp. 273-281). They are like the citizen of Usville who cannot be expected to believe anything other than that the Notlikeuses are hostile vampires from another planet. Like the citizen of Usville, delusional or psychotic schizophrenics do not have e-desire sets because they have good reasons for their false beliefs about the worthiness of the goals for which they desire harm or about the significance of the harm they desire. Thus, people who cause others significant harm because of delusions or psychosis resulting from their mental illnesses do not do evil for two reasons: they do not do evil because their actions do not follow from e-desire sets and they do not do evil because they are not moral agents. Besides schizophrenia, other disorders such as Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Dementia, Manic depression, etc. can involve psychotic or delusional episodes where a patient may perform actions causing great harm to others because their mental illness causes them to believe that the goal for which they cause the harm is justified or that the harm they cause is insignificant (APA, pp. 273-315). In all of these cases no evil has been performed according to my account of evil. Also, people committing crimes under delusions or psychoses are often deemed legally insane by jurists and judges, for if we commit a crime because of delusions or psychoses we do not know the nature or quality of our actions. For instance, in 1843, Richard Dadd was deemed legally insane and thus acquitted of the brutal murder of his father because he had the delusional belief that his father was the devil. In fact, almost all cases of legal insanity involve mental illnesses that include delusions or psychosis (Cleckley, pp. 514-527). People with dissociative identity disorder have two or more distinct identities or personality states. Usually there is a primary identity which uses the name of the individual who hosts the identities. This identity is typically passive, dependent, guilty and depressed. Alternate identities, on the other hand, typically have personalities that contrast with the primary identity, e. g. they are hostile, controlling, aggressive, and lack remorse. Individuals with dissociative Identity Disorder experience alternate identities taking control in sequence, often denying knowledge of their actions to the other identities including the primary identity (APA, p. 84). It is reasonable for the courts to excuse individuals with dissociative identity disorder for their wrongdoing on the basis of insanity because the primary identities in these cases are often not aware of the nature or quality of the wrongful acts caused by their more aggressive identities, and the court cannot split the guilty identities from the innocent ones for the purpose of punishment. I also think that those who intentionally cause or witness someone elses significant harm from an e-desire set as an alternate identity have not committed evil. For in these cases the primary identity does not intentionally cause or witness someone elses significant or serious harm from an e-desire set, the alternate identity does. Thus, it is the alternate identity who acts evilly and not the primary identity. We must judge each identity and her actions independently. Perhaps the most famous and controversial cluster of mental disorders that can lead to significant harm are the antisocial personalities disorders. According to the DSMIV persons diagnosed with antisocial personalities must be at least 18 years old; display a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others since age 15; have displayed evidence of conduct disorder since before age 15; and have at least three of the following seven traits: (1) failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest, (2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, uses of aliases or conning others for personal profit or pleasure, (3) impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, (4) irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults, (5) reckless disregard for the safety of self or others, (6) consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations, and (7) lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another (Ibid, pp. 646-650). Cleckley argues that psychopaths are not responsible for their actions because they often act against their own self-interest and are therefore irrationa1. For instance, psychopaths often appear to be hopelessly impulsive, and committing crimes they are sure to be incarcerated for just hours after they are released from wards they claim to detest. However, others, such as Vinit Haksar, argue that we can only judge the psychopaths seemingly irrational impulsivity as counter to his self-interest if we assume he has values roughly the same as ours. But, Haksar claims, we should not make this assumption since psychopaths may simply value committing spontaneous antisocial acts very highly, and value things that the rest of us value highly (e. g. relationships, careers, freedom) relatively low or only as a means to carry out antisocial activities. Generally, psychopaths are thought to be criminally responsible for their actions and are tried for their crimes since they do not suffer from delusions or psychoses of any kind and they reason well enough. When psychopaths commit crimes they know they are breaking societal norms and thus they seem to pass the McNaughtan test for legal sanity. However, some, such as Antony Duff, have argued that psychopaths are so emotionally and morally deficient that they cannot understand the emotional and moral significance of matters such as death, love, friendship and career for others, and so, they cannot understand how they provide reasons for acting and for judgment (Duff, p. 193). Thus, psychopaths do not truly understand the nature and quality of their actions since they lack the basic values and emotional capacity required for understanding morality. Duff concludes that psychopaths should be considered legally insane and not criminally responsible. Besides discussing the relationship between various mental illnesses and evildoing, I have also argued that we cannot equate those whose mental illnesses preclude them from evildoing with the legally insane. One reason we cannot equate these two groups is that it is sufficient for legal insanity that we are unable to know whether our actions are wrong, while this condition is irrelevant to whether our act is evil Another reason we may not be able to equate those whose mental illnesses preclude them from evildoing with the legally insane is that we may be required to have a greater understanding of the nature of our actions to be criminally responsible than we do to be evil That is, if Duff is right that psychopaths are so emotionally deficient that they cannot sufficiently understand the nature and quality of their actions for legal sanity, then we need a better understanding of the nature and quality of our actions to be criminally responsible than we do to be capable of evil I do not argue one way or the other about whether Duff is correct in his insistence that legal sanity requires an emotional understanding of the nature of our actions. Instead, I argue that, regardless of the condi tions required for legal sanity, for evil we must only have the perceptual, cognitive and deliberative capacities required for moral agency and for recognizing that we intentionally cause or witness someone elses significant or serious harm.
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